#42 Donna Costello (Choreographer) / Reverend Jordan Scruggs (Modern Spirituality) “Process Junky and Modern Day Spirituality”

Donna Costello, choreographer and dance educator at the Park Avenue Armory, managed to move quite quickly into her success in NYC, and Reverend Jordan Scruggs is broadly focused on the alleviation of poverty which translates into some truly beautiful community building activities like “Waffle Church”

#42 Donna Costello (Choreographer) / Reverend Jordan Scruggs (Modern Spirituality) “Process Junky and Modern Day Spirituality”

Happy election results! Let’s hear it for the rainbow!!! And the women who are a part of that rainbow. It’s about time politics looked different. As this NY Times Article explores, the women "marched, they ran, and on Election Day, they won." Way to do it ladies, of both parties!

Shana’s calling in from the road on her 2018 Fall Tour, and today she and Theresa thanked all of those who volunteered and canvassed and worked so hard against the odds to get their candidates elected. Congratulations to Antonio Delgado, Juan Figueroa, and Jen Metzger with the big wins in our region. We discussed the type of perseverance it takes to run a political campaign. S

Our first guest is Donna Costello, choreographer and dance educator at the Park Avenue Armory in NYC. She’s been a dancer her whole life, and managed to move quite quickly into her success in NYC. She calls herself a ‘process junkie’ and she gets into how to create a free and honest atmosphere when working in a group so that there can be a good work flow and creative feedback. She loves teaching but she also loves collaborating, and recently created Jitterbug and the Aftermath, a movement theater duet. This work was presented in 2018 at the Estrogenius Festival in the East Village and at Definitive Figures, A FemFest of Performance, a festival that Donna and Jenny Sargent conceived & produced together in New Orleans holding space for over 10 inspiring femme and female-identifying artists of mixed disciplines. This interview really dives into the world of dance expression and artistry.

Our second guest is Reverend Jordan Scruggs, Deacon and Community of Ministries Director at Saint James United Methodist Church in Kingston, NY. In her role at the Church Jordan is broadly focused on the alleviation of poverty which translates into some truly beautiful community building activities like "Waffle Church" and the transformation of a neighboring Church building into a community driven center open to all regardless of faith. . She quotes Martin Luther King Jr., "The Arc of the Moral Universe Is Long, But It Bends Toward Justice," when asked about how we overcome the conflicts we are experiencing politically and spiritually in our country. She hopes that we will learn to celebrate diversity rather than pretend our differences don’t exist, and when asked about how she reconciles the role women have historically played or rather not played in religion, she sums it up with her impression that God is your Mother. Amen to that!

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.
We heard music from Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/, and audio from the film, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry, http://www.shesbeautifulwhenshesangry.com

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#41 Jude-Laure Denis (Community Activist) / Pandora (Wiccan-Priestess & Artist) “Liberating Yourself”

Halloween, Wiccan/Priestess Anne Brannen aka Pandora on letting go of your identity, Jude-Laure Denis, Haitian Buddhist Activist, understanding white supremacy.

#40 DJ Ali Gruber (Get Down Upstate) / Gabrielle Hill (Restorative Justice) “Michael Jackson Dance Party Queen and Circle Keeper”

Theresa calls in from the Badlands, DJ Ali Spins tells us about her 2 purple turntables and how she keeps going when her husband gets diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, Gabrielle Hill talks Restorative Justice and Circle Keeping!

#40 DJ Ali Gruber (Get Down Upstate) / Gabrielle Hill (Restorative Justice) “Michael Jackson Dance Party Queen and Circle Keeper”

Hello listeners!!! Theresa called in from the badlands in South Dakota!! Check out her instagram for photos from her current road-trip HERE appropriately tagged #theresagongswest. In our catch up opening discussion Theresa tells us a story about The Moon Maiden of the Cahuilla tribe and their folklore or the creation of the moon! And what would you know, today’s the full moon. Good job T…. Theresa reminds us that the moon is symbolic of water, water is very healing, when we work with water it has this transformative power, what do YOU want to transform? Check out MYSTICMAMMA for some guidance!!!

Our first guest today is Ali Gruber, aka DJ Ali Spins of Get Down Upstate. She’s been a DJ spinning vinyl for over 10 years now! After graduating from Suny New Paltz, she met her partner Louis and became a vegetarian chef cooking in the Hudson Valley, she coined herself Souper Woman! Around 2008 Ali started DJing, she inherited 2 purple turn tables and used her eclectic record collection and created one of the funnest parties around these parts! Also around that time her partner was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. The conversation goes through her navigation of growing her DJ career, caring for her now disabled partner, buying an old house in Kingston and having an unexpected magical baby. She’s incredibly inspiring, she’s self motivated and has amazing endurance and a great sense of humor. I think you will really enjoy this interview!

Our second guest today is Gabrielle Hill who was interviewed by Theresa a few weeks ago when they were meeting to speak about bringing some Restorative Justice work to Kingston. Gabrielle is a vital member of her Newburgh community and a Circle Keeper at the Restorative Center. She shares about the Circle practice and how it creates a safe place for community members to move through conflict with one another, how it is about listening to learn and not to reply, and how it creates a space where no one is made to feel inferior. She is passionate about finding our commonality in community while celebrating our differences. Gabrielle is a positive force for good who seeks out gratitude daily.

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.
We heard music from Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/, and audio from the film, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry, http://www.shesbeautifulwhenshesangry.com

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to our pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND US 🙂

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INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#39 Lisa Padovani (Costume Designer) / Emma’s Revolution (Music Activists) “Stay Positive and Sing Out Your Angry Soul”

Lisa Padovani, dynamic costume designer, best known for her work on Party Monster, Mad Men, Gotham and Boardwalk Empire (to name only a few), Emma’s Revolution, Music Activism and Dharma Punx, and L7 Documentary.

#38 Khadijah Ward (EVOLVE) / Joan Ffolliot (Ffolliot Design) “Deep Connection to the Earth, Art As Language”

“Who Is Believed and Who is Blamed” (Kavanaugh hearings), Khadijah Ward works at FAMILY of Woodstock as the program administrator for EVOLVE, a batterer’s intervention program, designer and artist Joan Ffolliot of Ffolliot Design, setting boundaries with clients.

#37 Tani Ikeda (#survivorloveletter ) / Kate Steciw (Multi-Media Artist) “Celebrating Survivors and Communicating Through Images”

RBG documentary is OUT!! Our first guest, Tani Ikeda, is an Emmy winning director who creates narratives, documentaries, music videos, and commercial films, and creator of #survivorloveletter. Our second guest, Kate Steciw, is an artist who works in sculpture, photography, video and image manipulation who explores the collision between representation and materialization

#36 Stephanie Monseu (Bindlestiff Family Cirkus ) / Ariana González Stokas (Inclusive Excellence, Bard College) “Cirkus Arts and Belief in the Common Good”

Revisit Anita Hill! Our first guest is Stephanie Monseu, co-founder of the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus and now new ring mistress of Big Apple Circus!!!
Our second guest is Ariana González Stokas. Ariana is Dean for Inclusive Excellence at Bard Collage and an educator in Latin American and Caribbean Philosophy

#35 Beth Bengtson (Working for Women) / Jem Violet (Trans Singer-Songwriter) “Women Supporting Women and Queer Life in Music”

We believe the women!!! Our first guest, Beth Bengtson founded “Working for Women” whose mission is to help women enter or stay in the workforce. Our second guest isJem Violet. She is a trans singer-songwriter / performer, and LGBTQ activist.

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