221 Domestic Violence and Lara Sabanosh, Author of “Caged”

The content of today’s show won’t be uplifting, at least not most of it, but it’s real and necessary information not to be ignored or forgotten. We will be talking about intimate partner violence or domestic violence and abuse so sensitive ears may want to avoid listening. My colleague Mariel Fiori shared this first story with me and covered it on her radio show which is in Spanish, but I’ll link to it for those who are able to listen. It’s a story about a 17 year old girl, Yesmi Lara, who was severely beaten by the father of her two year old daughter. You can contribute to Yesmi Lara’s Go Fund Me.

Then I share from this article, Six Ways to Support a Loved One In An Abusive Relationship via NPR and talk about the impacts of trauma and abuse via the story of Melissa Lucio. False confessions are more common than you might think. More than a quarter of people exonerated by the Innocence Project in recent decades had confessed to the crime they allegedly committed, as Science reported.

Then there was this important news story related to abuse in the military, Air Force General Found Guilty of Sexual Assault via NPR.

Here’s the info about the Women Who Serve in the Military event happening this Friday, April 29th, and the Stand Against Racism Event at YWCA Ulster County on Friday, 4/29 at [4:30]PM.

We take a break from the heavy to talk this weekend’s NEW MOON REPORT!

In the second half of the show I welcome Lara Sabanosh who grew up in various parts of the country and for a time, lived overseas in Guantanamo Bay (GTMO), where she was an education service facilitator at the Fleet and Family Support Center and became acting director in December 2013. She spent much of her adult life as a wife, mother and student, eventually completing two doctoral degrees. Six years in the making, her new book, Caged: The True Story of Abuse, Betrayal and GTMO, is an honest and introspective memoir detailing the never-before-told other side of an international, headline story, taking readers through the first twenty years of her tumultuous marriage to Christopher Tur, to events as she lived them on the night he went missing and the aftermath. Lara is currently retired from government service, residing quietly in Pensacola, Florida, surrounded by her loving family, dogs, and grand puppies.

Lara shares about the difficulties and challenges faced when confronting and getting out of an abusive relationship, about the prevalence of abuse in the military and how they are failing to properly address it, and how she has learned to talk to her children about it and why that’s important.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

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220 Kaity Altu “Child Care Connections”

Today I have the pleasure of speaking with Kaity Altu, Grant Manager, Child Care Connections at Family of Woodstock about the importance of investing in children. The NYS Office of Children and Family Services is offering a new grant opportunity to help open new child care programs in our region!  The INVEST IN NEW YORK CHILD CARE DESERTS GRANT hopes to address child care deserts across our state by offering $100 million in funding to help build child care in the areas of New York with the least supply. Child care deserts are areas that do not have enough licensed and registered child care slots to serve the children who live there and can be found throughout NY State. The grant is open until Thursday, May 18th.

We talk about the grant as well as the importance of childcare for a well functioning society, the challenges faced by childcare providers, the financial barrier to childcare and the issues that impact it, and how the US ranks in global terms of investment in childcare and child poverty.

You can reach out to Kaity with childcare questions at kaltu@familyofwoodstockinc.org and checkout her “krafts” on Facebook.

Here are the other resources I mentioned; Screening children for anxiety via NPR.

Freakonomics Podcast – Why does the US have the highest child poverty rates.

And last but not least, the Heal Well “Together for Mental Health Panel” that I mentioned and will be moderating on May 5 at 5:30pm.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

219 Sacred Activism and Emergent Leadership with Marielena Ferrer

Back at it for another round of deep thoughts and wild talks with Mariaelena Ferrer.

The second Monday of the month is inspired by the book, Espiritualidad y Politica, which was published 11 years ago, of which Mariaelena was a contributor. She is also the Executive Director of Humanamente — a diversity and inclusion consulting organization, Chair of the Athena Network New York — a psychosocial support network in the area of social services, health, and specifically in mental health, for immigrants experiencing psychological challenges related to the migratory process, a board member of the Family of Woodstock, a member of the Arts Mid-Hudson Advisory Board, and Kingston’s City Arts Commission.

Today, we veer ever so slightly away from the book to discuss this article about bridging the divide between political groups. Then we return to the book to discuss the themes of sacred activism, emergent leadership and the shadow. We end the show with the upcoming Full Moon report on the intriguing Eris.

Join Marielena for her art opening, Broken Monarchs, at The Dorsky Museum on May 6th from 5-7pm.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

218 Trauma or Toxic Masculinity

Today’s show is dedicated to Sexual Assault Awareness Month and an exploration of toxic masculinity. Inspired by the anger displayed at the Oscars and the Grammy awarded to Louis CK, I dig into some questions I have about the source of this behavior and the ways we can work together to prevent it. I share the following talks and words from others who’ve spoken on these subjects including lots of my own thoughts. Would love to hear yours.

Tony Porter‘s (A Call to Men) Ted Talk about the “Man Box.”.

Are there problems with the term toxic masculinity.

Jackson Katz’s TedxTalk “Violence against women – it’s a men’s issue” and the bystander approach.

How is trauma related to toxic masculinity, “How Trauma Creates Toxic Masculinity

Toxic Masculinity to Male Fragility

Privilege’s role in this healing/changing this behavior. Chuck Derry from Gender Violence Institute May 3, 2019

Man Enough Podcast and Justin Baldoni’s TedTalk

How are we all complicit with the adherence to traditional masculinity in the military.

Can women be toxically masculineToxic Masculinity and Toxic Femininity

Some other resources mentioned:

Ulster County Crime Victims Services yoga and other classes here in Ulster County.

People’s Place’s Empowerment Center Holistic Healthcare Day.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER *https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

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