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figuring – i want what SHE has

203 The Caring Majority and Herstorical Female Figures

Today I start out the show talking about Fair Pay for Home Care and the work of the Caring Majority Rising. They do such important work to raise awareness of the unfair labor practices for home care workers and also the impact the shortage of these workers has on those who need the care. There’s a big push here in NY State to increase their wages amongst other initiatives, and I am asking you to help support them!

Here’s the latest and greatest for ways you can get involved!

  • Call Governor Hochul! And let us know how your call goes! 
    • Dial: 518-474-8390
    • Sample Script: Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME]. I’m reaching out to ask Governor Hochul to include Fair Pay for Home Care (S5374/A6329) in next year’s Executive budget! Fair Pay 4 Home Care is important to me because [XXXX]. Because NY pays poverty wages to home care workers, our state is the epicenter of a home care workforce shortage–forcing disabled people and older adults into nursing homes because they can’t recruit the workers they need to live at home.  Can we count on Gov Hochul to invest in women by including Fair Pay 4 Home Care in the executive budget? Thank you! 
    • Let us know how your call went here!     
  • It’s never too late to call, tweet and write letters to the Governor and Assembly and Senate leaders about Fair Pay! Here is our action toolkitIf you are getting together with your family or friends over the holidays, get them involved too! And send a message to Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins asking them to pass the proposed legislation to increase wages to 150% of minimum wage.
  • Tues, Dec 21 at 5PM: End-of-Year Hudson Valley Regional Meeting! If you’re based in the Hudson Valley, we have an end-of-year celebratory meeting on ZOOM. RSVP here!
  • Tues, Dec 21 at 6PM: Phone banking Arizona and West Virginia voters for Build Back Better! Billions in federal funding for home care are still on the line in Build Back Better. It is currently held up in the US Senate by Senator Manchin and Sinema. On Tuesday next week we are joining our partners at 1199 SEIU to phone bank voters in Arizona and West Virginia, asking for them to call Manchin and Sinema to urge them to move forward with Build Back Better. RSVP here.
  • Monday, Jan 3 from 6-8PM: Phone banking for Fair Pay! We will kick off the new year by calling our most active leaders and inviting them to join us for crucial actions coming up in January. This is the best kind of phone-banking, you won’t want to miss! RSVP here.
  • Wed, Jan 5, TIME TBA: State of The State Watch Party! The Governor will be giving her State of The State address highlighting her priorities for New York and we want to be there together on ZOOM to witness and respond. As soon as we know the exact time, we will let you know! This will be in place of our usual 1st Wednesday meeting!
  • Wed, Jan 12 at [5:30]PM: Virtual Training on the In’s and Outs of the Budget with Advocacy Institute! As we head into an intense budget season, we have a very special training from budget expert David Ng from the Advocacy Institute. RSVP here.

OK, for the rest of the show I read from one of my favorite women who definitely has what I want in so many ways.  Maria Popova‘s lengthy yet delightful Figuring highlights the life and work of several truly inspiring women. If you like what you hear, then you should definitely pick it up for some perfect Winter hibernation reading.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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