#77 Women’s Small Business + Kara Martin Snyder “Le Vital Corps Salon” Podcast

Hey, hey, I am in Wisconsin this week so playing some very special recorded interviews.

First up, I speak with a group of powerhouse women who are all panelists at the upcoming, 3 Hours of Peace, Love and Women’s Small Business, happening at Provisions in Woodstock on July 19th from 4-7pm. Our talk is just a small sample of the wisdom that will be shared by these ladies during the event that I am moderating. Today, we talk about what makes them good at what they do and what they do when the going gets tough. Joining me in this conversation and on the 19th are: Dani Hughes of Divine Asset Mgt. – Raising money and valuing your business: Abbe Aronson, of Abbe Does It – Public relations and marketing, editorial, event planning, image and design consulting, fundraising and what she refers to as “artful schmoozing” — business intros that truly count; Jolie Peters, of Tinker Street Social – Social media and digital marketing agency dedicated to small businesses and non-profits, and how to grow your online presence and best practices; Wendy Heilbut, of Jayaram Law – Attorney & Angel investor, works with emerging companies as their outside general counsel helping position them for growth; Lauree Ostrofsky of Simply Leap, LLC – author, business coach, hugger & founder of Hudson Valley Women in Business, the largest community of women business owners in our region. Get your tix to the event on the 19th HERE!

Next I play my interview with Kara Martin Snyder, recorded just a few short weeks ago. Kara is an unconventionally resourceful, former bean-counting, question-asking machine, critical thinker, and strategic problem-solver who’s been turning around stressful, chaotic situations for individuals and organizations for over 20 years. After a decade of supporting frazzled, Type-A women at the intersection of functional health & lifestyle redesign, she’s now focusing her efforts on Le vital corps Salon podcast, where she hosts successful working women – from artists to change agents to astronauts – and asks them how they navigate BS and sidestep burnout. Kara and I talk about life as a CPA, what that lifestyle did to her health, how to make the difficult but powerful decision to transition from one career to another, and what she’s doing now in addition to podcasting, hint…beekeeping!

Next week, we welcome back Dr. Amy Novatt and Mel Toth, talking women’s health, endometriosis and radical self-care!

Until then, love yourself and uplift one another!

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas and Ben Benton of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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#76 Gisela Stromeyer “Just Like That, Poems, Paintings and Practices”

Gisela Stromeyer recently published a book, “Just Like That, Poems, Paintings, and Practices” which beautifully depicts the wisdom she’s received by allowing herself to live life fearlessly and with an open heart. Today we get to speak about subjects life love, loss, fear and freedom, and she shares wisdom from her book. Enjoy!

#75 Callie Jayne (Rise Up Kingston) + Summer Corrie (Living Life Allowed) “Appreciating the Little Things”

We get deep today with guests Callie Jayne and Summer Corrie. Callie, a pretty much life-long activist who is working hard to bring more equality to all members of the community, and Summer sharing deeply personal revelations on how she learned to love herself. These women are amazing!

#74 Shaniqua Bowden “SB” Nubian Cafe + Rashida Tyler “Women Supporting Women Supporting Community!”

Theresa speaking with Shaniqua Bowden and Rashida Tyler about women supporting women, competition amongst women and partners, helping others, astrology, spirituality, motherhood, raising daughters, breaking apart systems, race, the Kingston Land Trust, Citizen Action, breaking down walls between community members, getting out of our bubbles, and self care!

#73 Lisa Glick “Bipolar and Thriving” + Yukari Ogawa “Is it True?”

Lisa Glick shares her story from undiagnosed mental illness to bipolar to THRIVING! And Yukari Ogawa walks us through “The Work” of Byron Katie.

#72 Sarah Van Buren “Disco is Long Life” + Art in Public Spaces

Today, Theresa’s live from Outdated Lite in Kingston, NY, mixing things up to talk about how to be in community with one another, about connecting through music and art and about why we should collaborate creatively in public spaces instead of regulating them, but first, a convo with Sarah Van Buren, a woman of many talents and A LOT of musical cred.

#71 Rita Vanacore “Planet Seniors” + Aliza Theetge “Super Star Student” Women’s Rights Yesterday and Today

Today, I sit down with Rita Vanacore to talk through various aspects of her rich life from women’s rights, abortion rights, gay rights, spirituality, family, business and self care. Then I play my interview with Aliza Rose Theetge, a dynamic and confident 9 year old who’s ready to be a women’s activist.  We talk about lots of things like math, art, singing, being scared, bus drivers, Marie Curie, being a big sister and golfing!

#70 Tara Sanders (Trauma Informed Yoga) + Jenny Lee Fowler (Paper Cutting Artist) “Surviving and Thriving”

Today Theresa sits down with trauma informed yoga teacher, Tara Sanders, and talks about the what and the why of trauma informed yoga and how she survived her own childhood trauma and the practices she uses to live her best life. Next Jenny Lee Fowler joins Theresa. Jenny is a paper cutting artist who both talks about this beautiful art form and shares her journey through her re-diagnosis of breast cancer, how she’s taking care of herself and feeling the love of her family and community.

#69 Shawn Harrison, Cory Nakasue and Nidhi Adhiya-Huba “Clarity of Mind + Wisdom of Body”

Talking with yoginis and teachers, Shawn Harrison, Cory Nakasue and Nidhi Adhiya-Huba about the why and how of what they do, listening to the wisdom of the body, the return of the feminine, the benefits of yoga and meditation, getting out of boxes and structure and into chaos and freedom, women’s circles, rituals and what their own personal daily self care practices look like.

#68 Katy Kondrat (Sustainable Agriculture Activist) and Jolie Holland (Songwriter) “Keep Going”

Theresa’s in Italy! Shana Falana’s last day on the show! Katy Kondrat ‘behind the scenes’ and food economy, and an intimate look into Jolie Holland’s creative life! Self Care “GET OVER IT”.

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