#187 Anyssa Lucena “Confident Climbers”

Today’s guest is the very inspiring Anyssa Lucena. She helps women climbers gain confidence by teaching them how to overcome self-limiting beliefs, get stronger and live an empowered life through climbing. As a former rock climber, when I heard about Anyssa and her work, my curiosity led me to her website where I learned more about her background, and her story was so inspiring that I wanted to invite her on the show. Due to her schedule, we recorded our conversation last week, and I play that for you today. As you’ll hear, after having 3 kids, Anyssa suddenly realized she was deeply unhappy with her life.  Something was missing.  Her youngest was 9 months old when she asked her husband for a divorce. She was 38, suddenly a divorced – single mom of 3 kids, ages 5, 3, and 9 months and had no idea whatsoever what her future would look like.  She had left her wall street job when she had kids, and although she was well educated and experienced, she couldn’t imagine returning to a corporate environment.  She had no idea what her future would look like, but she had faith that somehow, things would work out.  Spoiler alert, things have turned out well for Anyssa, but getting there wasn’t always easy and rock climbing helped her find her way. It’s surprising how metaphorical rock climbing is for life in general.  Her story really resonated with me and I hope you enjoy it too.

Some of my favorite parts of our conversation today are about exploring fears, self compassion, mom guilt, “divorce arms,” internal validation, shifts in mindset and celebrating failure. So good!

As I mention at the end of the show, here’s the article about Menstrual Huts in India.

And here’s the article I referenced about addiction to money and power that Marielena and I will touch upon during the September 13th show.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



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INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

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TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas


#186 Jayla Kai “Debut EP Epitome”

Jayla Kai grew up in Woodstock, a town synonymous with the pureness of music. It evokes a togetherness where the community has each other’s back and the culture is almost symptomatic of its people (Dylan, Bowie, Van Morrison, Levon Helm). Kai cites a handful of local musicians who have served as key mentors to her. Kieran Hebden (Four Tet), is one of these key mentors who has inspired and encouraged her. Kai’s Debut EP, Epitome, is out now following the release of her crunching single Apple Tree and Kai’s introductory track, I Can’t Lie. As far as opening bows go, Epitome EP is as confident as you’ll hear. It’s the sound of an artist quickly in-tune with her writing and finding a distinct voice that is completely her own. The songs she shares here are sharp, literate, and expressive on an EP that zips and shuffles; all melody and poetry. Epitome is a bold statement of intent. Listen to “Epitome” by Jayla Kai here: https://awal.ffm.to/epitome

On today’s show she shares about finding her creative instinctive voice, the making of her debut EP, making music, performing and staying authentic as life and career evolves. We heard the songs, Paperread, Apple Tree, and I Can’t Lie from “Epitome.”

Here’s where to learn more about The Hoot!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#185 Elizabeth Gross “The Myth of the Selkie”

Today I speak with Elizabeth Gross, an herbalist, bodyworker, meditation and yoga instructor, and end-of-life doula based in the Mid Hudson Valley of NY.  Her mission through Selkie Medicinals is to provide optimal comfort and care to people experiencing major life transitions related to birth, sex or dying. Her services include prenatal Thai Yoga herbal bodywork, sexual health focused herbal consultations with a specialty in hpv and cervical dysplasia, and end-of-life doula care focused on abortion and miscarriage support.

Some of what we get to chat about today is the myth of the Selkie, masculine and feminine in the tantric tradition, the patriarchy, healing the patriarchy, slowing down, pelvic health and vulva gazing. Note, we do talk about men’s and women’s reproductive body parts!

The Secret of Roan Inish: Film. Link Here

Sensing, Feeling, and Action: The Experiential Anatomy of Body-Mind Centering by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen Link Here

For The Wild Podcast Episode: Tricia Hersey on Rest as Resistance Link Here

Embodiment Matters Podcast: Embodiment and Social Justice: A Conversation With Reverend angel Kyodo Williams and Dr. Scott Lyons Link Here

Also: Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés Link Here

ALSO, as mentioned with respect to the current state of affairs for women and children in Afghanistan, here is a link to my past interview with Sonita Alizadeh, and here’s a direct link to donate to her ongoing work with children and also her recent fundraiser for the people displaced in Kabul.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#184 Marielena Ferrer “Spirituality and Politics”

Back at it for another round of deep thoughts and wild talks with Mariaelena.

The second Monday of the month is inspired by the book, Espiritualidad y Politica, which was published 10 years ago, of which Mariaelena was a contributor. She is also the Executive Director of Humanamente — a diversity and inclusion consulting organization, Chair of the Athena Network New York — a psychosocial support network in the area of social services, health, and specifically in mental health, for immigrants experiencing psychological challenges related to the migratory process, a board member of the Family of Woodstock, a member of the Arts Mid-Hudson Advisory Board, and Kingston’s City Arts Commission.

Today, we veer ever so slightly away from the book and into the realm of capitalism in spirituality, group think, cancel culture, tolerance, and the writing/re-writing of history. For background, we refer to this Vice article about Guru Jagat as well as this TIME article of Anthony Fanone’s story from the January 6th insurrection. How will this history be remembered?

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#183 Nina Isabelle – Artist, Thinker, Observer

Today’s guest is the profoundly talented Nina Isabelle. She is a process based artist working with perception, action, language, and phenomena. Her practice is a method to sort and solve the inconsistencies of language, memory, and form, and she makes paintings, drawings, photographs, video, sculpture, sound, performance and writing as inquiry into how sensory perception functions as the impetus for action, reaction, response, and choice making in art and life.

Her work has been presented at The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts in New York City, The Queens Museum as part of Emergency Index Documentation Discussion, Judson Memorial Church, Grace Exhibition Space, and ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space in NYC with Feminist Art Group, as well as at Para//el Performance Space and The Ear in Brooklyn, NY. Internationally her projects have been presented at Czong Institute for Contemporary Art in Gimpo, South Korea, The Unstitute in Catalunya, Spain, Bangkok Underground Film Festival in Thailand, and NA Gallery in South Korea. Nationally her work has been shown at The San Diego Art Institute, The New School’s exhibition at The Bushwick Collective, Roman Susan in Chicago, IL, and CX Silver Gallery in Brattleboro VT, among others.

In 2018 she founded Three Phase Center for Collaborative Art Research & Building in Stone Ridge, NY where she facilitates, collaborates with, and documents the work of process based conceptual and performance artists. She’s continually motivated to work, present projects, facilitate, and collaborate with artists and idea people of any sort.

Today we talk about her upbringing be tossed in the air lots by acrobats and gymnasts and how her childhood set her up for being unmotivated by external validation or approval. This made for challenges in school, but seems to allowed for a vibrant life where she is guided by what is fun and fulfilling. We discuss some of the pursuits of her art in solving inconsistencies in language, memory and form, how perception is imperfect and malleable and several intersections between her work and thought processes and quantum physics. I try to keep up!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#182 “Life Hacks” with Eva and Theresa

Today I share my conversation with my niece Eva Mae Widmann. She’s 12 years old, doesn’t consider herself an expert in any way, but I ask her some questions about how she does the things in life that she enjoys, as well as how she motivates herself to do the things she doesn’t enjoy. We cover crafts, cooking, sports, the ukelele and self care. Everyone’s got something to share with one another no matter age or status. For me, that’s the beauty of today’s show. Thanks Eva!

Here’s Brightside’s hacks that I reference with more details on those. Also, life hacks from 5-Minute Crafty Girls. And some other cool Buzzfeed life hacks.

Joyce’s food cutting life hacks

We listened to “Disparate Youth” by Santigold, “You Could Be So Happy” by Heartless Bastards, “Date with the Night” by Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” by Cat Power.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#181 Juliet Rania “The Dark Goddess”

Juliet Rania is the founder of The Source, a wellness community in Woodstock, New York. She has been an apprentice of Alessandra Belloni for the past two decades in the Southern Italian Black Virgin tradition and the shamanic healing path of the Tarantella. She is a spiritual representative of Shaykha Fariha Fatima of the Jerrahi Sufi lineage and has taught on Sufism at various venues throughout New York at venues including the U.N. General Assembly, Barnard College, Cathedral St. John the Divine, New York Open Center, Omega Institute, Sacred Arts Research, Deepak Chopra Homebase, and more. She teaches Sufi whirling, chanting and frame drumming both privately and in groups in NYC. She performs as a vocalist and percussionist in several ensembles including Persian Music Ensemble, American Sufi Project, and The New York Arabic Orchestra. She is also a writer with a Bachelor of Arts from the New School University and a Master’s Degree from Sarah Lawrence College.

Juliet has studied with one of my heroes, Marion Woodman, and recommended her book, Dancing in the Flames, The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness. Today I get to learn more about the magic that happens in Juliet’s life, and she indulges my questions and thoughts about the book which has been a tremendous gift in my life. We meander through thoughts about the dark goddess, death, destruction, the feminine, the masculine, the patriarchy, and creating something new outside of the broken systems that currently exist.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#180 Spirituality, Politics and Gun Culture with Marielena Ferrer

Back at it for another round of deep thoughts and wild talks with Mariaelena and special guest Ulster County Sheriff Juan Figueroa.

The second Monday of the month is inspired by the book, Espiritualidad y Politica, which was published 10 years ago, of which Mariaelena was a contributor. She is also the Executive Director of Humanamente — a diversity and inclusion consulting organization, Chair of the Athena Network New York — a psychosocial support network in the area of social services, health, and specifically in mental health, for immigrants experiencing psychological challenges related to the migratory process, a board member of the Family of Woodstock, a member of the Arts Mid-Hudson Advisory Board, and Kingston’s City Arts Commission. You can connect with her on Instagram here.

Today, we veer ever so slightly away from the book and into the realm of gun culture and politics. We were inspired by this article about over 180 gun deaths over the 4th of July weekend, and refer to this article about guns and play. We dive into a bit of what it means for children and boys specifically to “play” with “toy” guns. Is it a part of developing as “boys” and having power over one another? Is this a necessary part of development? What is gun culture and can we change it in America? Would love to know what you think!

Send us any and all thoughts, we love to hear them.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#179 “Free Your Mind” with Theresa

Following up on my first annual “freedom” themed show, this year, I return to the book, You Are Now Less Dumb, to continue sharing about different cognitive biases we all likely have. Last year I touched on “Narrative Bias” (you are a being capable of logic and reason who falls short of that ideal in predictable ways) and “The Backfire Effect” (when your deepest convictions are challenged by contradictory evidence, your beliefs get stronger). This year I turn to “The No True Scotsman Fallacy” (you will shift your definitions to protect your ideologies) and “The Illusion of Asymmetric Insight” (you are driven to create and form groups and then believe others are wrong just because they are others). But first, I talk about “self delusion” from the introduction to the book which gives a nice overview of our general misconceptions. Why do I care about these things? Well because I fancy myself an independent thinker, but the only real way to be sure of that, if surety is even possible, is for me to look for holes in my thinking and this book does a fabulous job of helping me to see where I fall short. So, if you too want to free your mind and be truly independent, then this is the show for you!

Here’s my article on “unhiddenness.”

You can hear my accompanying playlist featuring “Dreaming” by Blondie, “Roam” by the B52’s, “Freedom” by George Michael, “Holiday” by Madonna, “”Free Your Mind” by En Vogue, “Freedom” by Beyonce, “My Power” by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians, and my fave “Revolution” by the Heartless Bastards, lyrics below:

Where you going, my friend?
Have you forgotten when
There was a time filled with hope instead of fear that’s in your heart
There was a time when life was simple and innocent to start
Do you remember?
Do you remember?

Where you going, my friend?
Have you forgotten when
There was a time when false information wasn’t so rampant in the sphere
There was a time when you weren’t questioning everything you hear
Do you remember?
Do you remember?

Constantly being advertised, your life commercialized and disguised
As happiness in pills and potions, fancy threads and cars in motion
Hypnotized by gilded lies to line the pockets of so few
While hungry politicians feed bullshit to the masses
To ensure their statuses and further divide the classes


And you were born with a voice so open up and speak your mind
Raise consciousness and elevate how we all relate don’t hesitate
No need to be better or smarter than anybody else
Leave judgement at the door for others and yourself

The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind

Big Brother’s watching you and trying to sell you something new
And I just want to take away take away the blues
Big Brother’s watching you and trying to sell you something new
And I just want to take away take away the blues

The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind


When I get up, oh, I get up in the morning
All I really want is the truth
Oh, when I open my eyes and I get up in the morning
All I really need is the truth

You were born with a voice so open up and speak your mind
Raise consciousness and elevate how we all relate don’t hesitate
No need to be better or smarter than anybody else
Leave judgement at the door for others and yourself

The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind

When I get up, oh, I get up in the morning
All I really want is the truth
Oh, when I open my eyes and I get up in the morning
All I really need is the truth


The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind


The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind
The revolution is in your mind

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston. Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#178 Sonita Alizadeh “Afghan Rapper and Activist”

Sonita Alizadeh was born in Herat, Afghanistan under the reign of the Taliban regime. Her family walked hundreds of miles to Iran in the rain and snow to escape. She grew up an impoverished, undocumented, refugee street child in Tehran. Without official papers, she could not attend school until a local non-governmental organization offered assistance; they provided a basic education to undocumented, refugee Afghan children.

At the age of ten, she was sold into forced marriage, but the contract fell through. Six years later, her family again wanted to sell her as a bride. With the help of a documentary filmmaker who had been following her story, they bought her some time.

Witnessing the injustices of the world, her friends swiftly disappearing as they were forced to marry, and fearing her own future, she wrote the song “Daughters for Sale.” With the aid of the Iranian filmmaker, a music video was recorded, and she was soon offered an opportunity to attend school in the US, so she fled.

Her story can be viewed in the award-winning documentary by Rohksareh Ghaemmaghemi which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2016, titled Sonita. (Sign up for a library card if you don’t already have one and then you can view it!)

She has been privileged to be named as one of Foreign Policy Magazine’s Global Thinkers of 2015, BBC’s 100 Women of 2015, an Asia Societies Game Changer of 2017, a 2018 MTV Generation Change Award recipient, Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2019 and featured by CNN, NPR, BBC, Buzzfeed News and over 150 publications in 20 countries.

More than 12 million girls are forced to marry as children every year, she hopes to aid in finding a solution to the problem—to help save the lives of the next generation.

Today we talk about her life, her music and her dreams.

Sonita’s Instagram Account

Sonita’s YouTube Channel

We heard the songs “Daughters for Sale,” “Moaref,” “Run Boy,” and “Brave and Bold” by Sonita.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston, with a little assist from Manuel on some file editing.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

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