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admiral grey – i want what SHE has

313 Admiral Grey “The Human Dream Project”

Admiral Grey is a multidisciplinary artist and performer whose new work, The Human Dream Project, records people describing dreams they have had, and then illustrates the recordings using colorful, surreal puppetry and original music.A multimedia project that continues to expand, Admiral developed a hotline for the project so that people can call in their dreams 24 hours a day, and has plans to create dream phone booths around the world where people can call in from. She has also made stop motion videos illustrating dreams, as well as colorful and absurd ‘commercials’ for the hotline using live action, puppetry, and animation. The show has had workshop performances locally at Opus 40 and in New York City at St. Ann’s Warehouse, and is now preparing to launch its full length premiere at The Tank in Manhattan in April. The most ambitious Human Dream Project performance to date, the show will illustrate a wide variety of dreams, incorporate countless puppets and setpieces that she makes by hand, include a new score by sound designer and musical director Chad Raines, and will feature a new cast of incredible artists and performers, several of which are Kingston locals.

Today we learn about the conception of the Human Dream Project and why Admiral pours her loving energy into it. We also talk about art making, art as a spiritual practice, dreams, dreams as a shared human experience, the hard parts of being an artist and the rewards, and what Admiral does when she has some down time. Come to her Carnival Party THIS Saturday, February 24th from [7:30]-10:30pm at the Old Dutch Church in Kingston. It’s a fundraiser for her work. There’s a sliding scale entry and then get your tickets for games, food, raffle, and more. Proceeds go to support the Human Dream Project. If you can’t attend, please feel free to make your tax free donation to help make this work happen.

The Human Dream Project runs April 8-28 at The Tank in NYC. Get your tickets here!

Her are links to her Youtube, Instagram and Facebook.

Did I mention that Saturday morning is also a FULL MOON! So peep the wonder Friday and Saturday night. Come to my gong bath on Friday and go to the Dream Carnival on Saturday. Perrrfect timing! Here’s your Full Moon Astrology.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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