309 Nancy Furstinger “Catskill Creatures”

Nancy Furstinger is the author of nearly 100 books, including many on her favorite topic: animals! She started her writing career in third grade, when her class performed a play she wrote while recovering from chicken pox. Since then, Nancy has been a feature writer for a daily newspaper, a managing editor of trade and consumer magazines, and an editor at two children’s book publishing houses. She shares her home and heart with her partner, big dogs, house rabbits, and a chinchilla (all rescued), and volunteers and fosters pets for several animal organizations. Nancy has been speaking up for animals since she learned to talk, and she hasn’t shut up yet! Please adopt, don’t shop.

She is the author of CATSKILL CREATURES, a lovely full color children’s book offering readers of all ages a fresh and informative introduction to the Catskill area’s native fauna. This book asks, are you curious about the amazing Catskill creatures sharing your back yard? Your wild neighbors star in nature’s outdoor theater, where exciting drama changes with the seasons. Catskill Creatures spotlights fifteen species of wildlife with intriguing facts and dramatic illustrations. Inside these pages you will discover: Who isn’t scared of the skunks stinky spray? What warty secret weapon protects toads? Where prime raccoon real estate is located? When black bears head into their winter dens? Why the little brown bat is nature’s original bug zapper?

A self proclaimed “animal nut,” Nancy shares heartfelt and inspiring stories of animals that she’s written about over the years. As someone who’s life is rooted in compassion, she gives us a glimpse into the local shelter scene and ways you can help take care of our animal friends. As a life long writer, our conversation also touches on how her career has evolved over the years and advice she has for aspiring writers.

She’ll be at the Poughkeepsie Children’s Book Festival on March 30th and loves visiting and reading at schools and libraries, so get in touch with her directly if you’d like her to visit you!

Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle
of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the
whole of nature in its beauty.

—Albert Einstein

Here’s this week’s Full Moon Report!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

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