#80 Lila Lolling – Yoga Philosophy Teacher, Author + Environmentalist

Today I get to go deep with an amazing woman who’s got a lot of story to share! Lila (lee-laa) Lolling is an experienced Hatha Yoga, meditation, and classical yoga philosophy teacher for nearly 20 years but that’s just the beginning. At the age of 15 she had a sudden onset of epilepsy. Around the same time she began to form a deep connection to the deaf community through a serendipitous baby-sitting gig. Serving the deaf community seemed to be her calling until at the age of 28 she found yoga which turned out to be the medicine that would keep her seizures at bay. She eventually combined the two and is the founder and co-director of the ASL Yoga Collective, formerly DeafYoga Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to creating yoga opportunities in ASL (American Sign Language). In 2016, she published her first book "Walking the Ancient Path of Yoga," and in June 2018 she was invited to speak on the topic "Yoga for Peace" at the United Nations. Most recently, she graduated from Omega Institute’s Ecological Literacy Immersion Program, a social and regenerative design course that further inspired her endeavor, EcoYoga Life which was envisioned in the Himalayas a year prior and birthed in the Hudson Valley where she currently resides.

Today, we talk about all of this, plus get some tips on what we can do to lead a more climate conscious lifestyle. We also get personal about the profound heart ache she experienced in 2017 following a very unexpected announcement from her then husband that he wanted a divorce. Utilizing the wisdom she’s absorbed from her years studying and practicing yoga philosophy, Lila allowed herself to feel it all, the sadness, anger, and depression, in order to truly grow from the pain of the experience and in turn heal old wounds and trauma that she hadn’t realized were still present in her consciousness. Today she gratefully walks through life with a deeper kind of presence and an open heart. Stay tuned to her website for how you can catch more of Lila’s wisdom on yoga philosophy and EcoYoga Life or catch her teaching classes in the Hudson Valley and beyond!

Today’s show was engineered by Ben Benton of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/ Happy Birthday week Shana!!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

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One Reply to “#80 Lila Lolling – Yoga Philosophy Teacher, Author + Environmentalist”

  1. Lila has been one of my very best friends in the world for about 15 years and is one of those people who even if I don’t talk to her for awhile, we pick right back up where we left off. She is absolutely as wonderful and talented as she sounds in this lovely interview. The swag community, the yoga community and the earth are lucky to have her as advocates and friends.

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