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feminine – i want what SHE has

332 Mary Evelyn Pritchard “The Holographic Home”

Mary Evelyn Pritchard is an artist and community weaver whose work focuses on creating sacred spaces and experiences.  In her business practice The Holographic Home, she works as a Feng Shui practitioner, interior designer and land worker.  In addition, she has been actively exploring the realms of feminine embodiment and eros through study and personal practice for the last 8 years, and more recently, has begun sharing opportunities to explore these topics with others.  She has a particular passion for facilitating community ritual as a pathway to individual and collective healing.

Today our conversation plays with notions of the feminine and what it means to embody all aspects of this divine energy. Mary Evelyn shares personally her journey into feminine embodiment when she was initiated by an ectopic pregnancy leading to a major surgery. Her recovery and reclaiming has seeded her with a deep wisdom and a passion for exploring and sharing the gifts of freedom that unfold from an embodiment of the feminine. She sees community ritual as being potent medicine for women who are healing and recovering their connection with the “dark feminine.” We learn about her evolution into the work she now offers in the spaces we reside and how this too is an offering of daily ritual into the places we call home.

She’s hosting a retreat in her sacred home space for feminine embodiment with her mentor and collaborator Whitney Ullom, Tending the Well, July 19-21. She has a few spaces open so if you are interested, be in touch soon!

You can connect with Mary Evelyn via her website or Instagram.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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329 The Politics of Language with Marielena Ferrer

Inspired by the thoughts and speakers in this Ted Radio Hour, Marielena Ferrer and I dig into the topic of language. Was the alphabet responsible for the demise of the Goddess? Are we resistant to language changes? Are language changes imposed upon us like Colonizers? Are they able to change culture? We meander through these questions and more today on the show!

And here’s the New Moon report for this month…

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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328 Margaret Bensfield Sullivan “Following the Sun” and Tami Lynn Kent “Wild Mothering”

In the first half of today’s show I am joined by Margaret Bensfield Sullivan, an author, illustrator, and family photo curator, whose work combines her personal passion for archiving with visual storytelling skills she honed over nearly two decades in brand marketing. Margaret was a partner at WPP’s marketing and branded content agency Group SJR, where she designed storytelling campaigns on behalf of clients like TED, Target, Disney, and USAID. She left corporate life to spend a year with her husband and two young children crisscrossing the globe, visiting 29 countries and six continents. She wrote about their adventures in Following the Sun: Tales (and Fails) From a Year Around the World With Our Kids (December 5, 2023).

Our conversation just skims the surface of the richness of her book where she details: what to consider when planning a trip like this, the pitfalls and pluses of traveling with kids, how to keep marital and family peace during a year of togetherness, and the transformative and lasting effects of time away from life’s daily routine. I love that Margaret concluded our conversation with the notion that you don’t actually have to travel the world to get the benefits from ditching the treadmill of the daily routine.

If you are interested in this type of experience for yourself and your family, in addition to getting Margaret’s book, she suggests finding a Worldschooler group on Facebook.


In the second half of the show, I am joined by the one and only Tami Lynn Kent, a women’s health physical therapist and the founder of Holistic Pelvic CareTM where she utilizes her ability to read energetic patterns of the body to help women reconnect to their bodies and feminine. Tami maintains a private practice and an international training program in Portland, Oregon. She has authored three previous books. Her latest, Wild Mothering: Finding Power, Spirit, and Joy in Birth and a Creative Motherhood (Atria Books, May 7, 2024), is a newly updated edition of her classic, Mothering from Your Center.

I first learned of Tami’s work back in 2016 when my dear friend Neslihan lent me her book, Wild Feminine. It was a life changing read that helped me to understand some of my own conditioning and subconscious biases as well as take me down a road of deep healing and a reconnecting with my own feminine energy. Today, Tami shares about the importance of reconnecting both physically and energetically with the pelvic bowl. Beyond the healing that is possible for an individual, it’s an important collective act for reclaiming the energy of the feminine and re-establishing its value in an imbalanced patriarchal society. Tami’s idea of Wild Mothering is offering permission and possibility to do mothering and life differently, from a place not solely lead by the head, but supported and embraced by both an inner compassion as well as a greater connection to the creative resources that exist beyond ourselves. She believes that every woman at her center has a wealth of creative resources for mothering. These abundant resources can provide guidance, bring energy when it’s needed, and restore the mother-child connection. To tap into them, it’s essential for women to connect with the energy medicine in their female centers. Wild Mothering — allows women to move beyond stereotypes and create the type of mothering that both sustains their families and also feeds their mothering souls.

As a part of our conversation, she touches on the energetics of birth and the birth field, what the feminine means to her, what Wild Mothering means and how to embody it, and how all bodies have access to the healing medicine of the feminine.

“What Tami has created here is nothing short of a bible for us. Wild Mothering elevates mothering to its rightful place as the axis of culture, requiring proper due and respect and refusing to accept the invisibility and the unrecognized labor of mothers that is all too common.” Kimberly Ann Johnson

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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318 Martha Williams “BreakBread”

Today on the show I am joined by Martha Williams who has spent her life as a serial creative firebrand. She is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and choreographer, and kept the lights on with creative direction, video production, consulting, coaching and training. After 20 years of following her calling Martha realized that even though she was lucky (or crazy) enough to be making art she was still not making the difference she set out to make. While her art was activist in nature, squeezing out work in a world where people are choking on “content” and mindlessly consuming life, didn’t seem aligned with her greater mission to help communities reclaim and restore soulful connection to self, other and the world around them. This is when her work as a conversation activist began. Martha and her partner run Culture Shift Agency and BreakBread World, working to reweave our common humanity through the art of conversation and the power of soulful gathering.

Our conversation weaves through the meaning of conversation activism, how Martha found this work, the patriarchy, the embodiment of the masculine and the feminine and so much more.

BreakBread is hosting an Embodied Conversation Workshop at GWI on April 14th.

As mentioned, Engather is co-hosting a special happening this Friday, March 29th at ASK for creative connection and community. You can learn more here!

Here’s the Moon Report that inspired our moon chat.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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310 Imbolc, Archetypes and Writing

WOAH! Starting season 7!?!!!!!

Today’s show dives into the many benefits of handwriting. Hint: It clarifies thinking; improves understanding, memory, and application; and improves communication.

Then we pivot to a Imbolc/Candlemas discussion. If you’re local, you can join the Center for Symbolic Studies folks to celebrate this weekend.

I share from a favorite publication, We’Moon to expand the conversation on Imbolc.

In preparation for the Imbolc holiday, I pull three Archetype cards and discuss their meanings: The Ring, The Thread and Aletheia.

Inspired by a doc about the first ladies of hip hop, I play some music in their honor.

Finally, I conclude with my self-care diary. Still jogging, even if it’s super slow!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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279 Juneteenth, New Moon, and Solstice Celebration

Today I celebrate Juneteenth by paying homage to the contributions of African Americans which have significantly impacted me, that being their music. There’s no greater medicine for me than music. I consume A LOT OF IT, so I am grateful to all of those who’ve enhanced my life, helped me through crisis, uplifted my spirit, and moved me to dance through their creative work. Here’s the playlist from today’s show.

In between songs, I share and speak about the recent New Moon and the upcoming Summer Solstice inspired by the work of Tanaaz and Kim Krans‘ archetype guidebook.

Here’s the New Moon info. Here’s the Solstice info. All from Tanaaz at Forever Conscious

And here’s that NPR article about the cusk eels who mate during the New Moon.

Here’s the info on Citizen Action’s campaign to end slavery in the NY penal system.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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275 “The Goddess Party”

Today is about The Goddess Party, a new project spearheaded from long time Hudson Valley musician Shana Falana in collaboration with Erica Quitzow and Sarah Perrotta. Featuring a choir of 30+ local singers, a rock band, and a willingness to interpret the likes of Kate Bush, Panda Bear, and PJ Harvey. “A cult worth joining.”

I am joined by Beth Carestia a member of the Choir like myself, and we hear from several of our co-creators by way of voice memo describing in some way what The Goddess Party means to them… magic, mystery, heart healing, collaboration, trust, creation, fun, true-self, singing, connection, the feminine, The Goddess…

We’re performing Friday at 7:30pm. Doors open at 6:30pm and the movie Midsommer will follow our performance. You can get tickets ($12-$15) via Opus 40.

The Goddess Party band is Erica Quitzow, Sarah Perrotta, Betsy Wright, Sarah Carlson, Shana Falana, Lysa Opfer and Jenn Anderson.

Here’s a link to the Rosendale Ukulele Group that Beth and I gush about. Another mental health activity for us.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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271 Heather Duke “Center for Symbolic Studies” and Daphne Fiori-Wood “St. Baldrick’s”

Today I enjoyed speaking with Heather Duke – who is one of the sparkly beings and co-creators over at the Center for Symbolic Studies. A non-profit with a mission to inspire nature-based spirituality, leading to personal growth and communal awareness. Founded by Drs. Robin and Stephen Larsen, inspired by the works of friend and mentor Joseph Campbell- The Center for Symbolic Studies has been offering a window into the Mythic Imagination for over 30 years through seasonal festivals, Dream Workshops, sacred teaching by Shamans from around the world, lectures, and celebrations of art and dance surrounded and inspired by nature.

Register for their Beltane Festival on May 20th, rain date, May 21st.

Heather talks about her own work in neurofeedback, dreams, Beltane and the Center’s other happenings, Vanaver Caravan, Wild Arts, nature and community. You can follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

Later in the show I share my conversation with Daphne Fiori-Wood who is shaving her hair on April 29th to raise money for childhood cancer research with St. Baldrick’s. Research is hope for kids with cancer, but donations to find cures have been down since 2020. She will also be donating her hair to Wigs forKids!,, at the end of the event. Your gift will give kids hope, supporting the best research across the country, through the largest charitable funder of childhood cancer research grants. Cancer kills more of our kids than any other disease. Can you help? Thank you!

Here’s the link to Earthday tips to living more sustainably, and here’s the show with Kevin Ann Jordan talking about sustainable style.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

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245 The Art of Pau

PAU Quintanajornet doesn‘t paint pictures. Pau creates worlds – open invitations to a journey into the beauty of Latin American influences and into the spheres of an artist, who with brushes, paint, ink, paper and wood, playfully turns her world inside out. The cleavage between cultures loosens up. From the friction between her Chilean roots and her German home she draws her own symbolism in bright colors and shapes which grows out of the ground like plants rising to the sky. Birds also occupy a large space in Pau‘s World: in her „cosmovision“ they symbolize free spirits of wisdom and peace, spreading their wings and coping with highs and lows of life.

Born in Chile and raised in the former DDR, Pau moved to Berlin at the age of 15 to broaden her horizons and find a creative outlet. She studied communication-design and illustration at the FHTW before taking off to South America. In Valparaiso, Chile, she recharged her batteries and set the course for her future. Falling in love with the Urban Art Movement and Artivism, Pau started to create her first wall pieces down South.  Although she eventually returned to Germany, Pau would frequently revisit Latin America – her Motherland – her emotional home. During these returns, she might discover something new about her self or her art, socialize with other artists or improve her techniques. In the collective of the Artivists, Muralistas and Street Artists, Pau found birds of the same feather.

Over the last couple of years Pau has participated in numerous festivals and art projects around the world. These travels and interactions with the people around helped her to find a deeper meaning in her work and get more sensitive for different global realties. Inspired by the words of Pablo Neruda, “The murals are the books of the people “ she started a long term art project called PROJECT WALLFLOWERS in 2013. Her work is found on walls in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Germany, United States, China, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile … . While Pau‘s walls are on display in public spaces, they are created with the permission of the communities. Her interest lies in sharing her art with people, not creating notoriety for her self.

Today Pau shares begins by telling us how art became the tool she was drawn to as a young person to help her emotionally as her family fled Chile as political refugees and the danger they faced prior to relocating to Germany. There’s no doubt that while her childhood was traumatic, it set her up for some profound perspective on who she is and how she wants to live her life. We talked about her becoming an Artivista and how it was the first identity that she claimed as her own versus it being imposed on her by others. We talked about the masculine and the feminine and how she connected with her own inner manifestations of those as she navigated heartache and learned to cultivate love in all she does. Inspired by this quote: “You also learn that there are real priorities and imposed priorities. The beauty of this lifelong journey is that you get the tremendous opportunity to get to know the real you with all its flaws and all its magic. I gain stability when I feel centered and reflected in my work and with the people around me.” We talk about how she established her own priorities and how she works to live them each day, including how this impacted her “Art World” and how she moves through the “Art Market.” She shared about her work Project Wallflowers, the Blooming Seeds, and #staywithhumanity. We end with a quick share on how she takes care of herself with her active life and how sobremesas are a special part of that.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845) 481-3429

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244 Permission to Pause with Lauree Ostrofsky

For nearly 20 years, Lauree Ostrofsky has served as a speaker, author, coach, and communications consultant with clients including IBM, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Fodors Travel, Liz Claiborne’s domestic violence awareness program Women’s Work, and the Girl Scouts of the USA. I’m also founder of Hudson Valley Women in Business in upstate New York, and the #HugTour Movement.

She returns to the show today to talk about taking a pause and the permission needed to do so. She shares an abbreviated version of an important life transition that propelled her to where she is today, and then catches us up on where she is now, as a new step-mom and someone who needs to take a break from certain work obligations in order to keep the balance in her life and the clarity in moving forward. We talk about the difficulty in saying no, or taking a pause from something important as well as how she is doing motherhood differently by keeping some of her time and her things sacred to her alone. Finally she walks us through how she finds the “permission” to do difficult things and shares ways for you to find that for yourself.

Her memoir, I’m scared & doing it anyway (2013), shares the hospital epiphany that led her to create a life and career she loves.  Her second book, Simply Leap: Seven Lessons on Facing Fear and Enjoying the Crap out of Your Life (2016), helps you forge your own path of reinvention, cupcakes and dance parties included.

Here’s Nikki Fogerty’s Tarot Report on Lust and the Princess of Discs. Quite a timely reading for us!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845) 481-3429

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