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feminism – Page 4 – i want what SHE has

#96 “Sit & Spin and Physiologus” with artists, Sophi Kravitz + Jicky Schnee

Sort of speechless about the body of work that these women have created. Enjoy!

Sophi Kravitz is an artist and electronic engineer who’s always been fascinated with people, people she already knows and strangers alike. She believes that incorporating public art into a shared experience can be a strong conduit to the acceptance of the human next to you. She often collaborates as part of a larger collective as the construction of the work is highly technical, relying on the strength of both her background and love of bringing people together on collaborations. She believes in the simple magic of theatrical storytelling and works with classical sculpture, metal, code, and electronics to create beautiful playthings. Sophi shares her journey into making art and objects of play from her early childhood, to sculpture, electronic engineering, puppet making and most recently Hackaday, the company she now works for which serves up “Fresh Hacks Every Day” from around the Internet. Her previous collaborative art projects are inventive and impressive, and she shares how recently she’s begun making them meaningful in a deeper way by considering visitors’ reaction to current events to create deeper thoughts about the human experience. Check out her website for the elaborate and inspiring list of art she co-created.

Jicky Schnee is a mother, artist, actor and model, who despite the many different forms that it takes, is seeking to depict and understand authenticity and purity through her art. Jicky shares about her mother really helped to move her forward in life and career by pushing her to NYC and to connect with a key photographer boosting her modeling career. Jicky lost her mother when she was just 25 so we speak a bit about the uniqueness of the mother/daughter relationship and how she healed from the deep grief of losing her mother. Jicky’s interest in authenticity surfaces in many ways including our conversation about social media and the selfie phenomenon which seemingly places value on how people view us rather than how we value who and what we are. This aligns with Jicky’s new-ish appreciation of Crone Culture vs. Youth Culture, and she’s choosing to see and value the wisdom of those who’ve come before her over the priorities and actions of the youth which so often manifests in social media. We squeeze a lot into this hour including the physical and psychological challenges of acting, working with and admiring Joaquin Phoenix, studying psychology, raising daughters, and wanting to experience “the other side,” see her “Physiologus” work for reference.

There’s just not enough time in a two hour show I say! Hopefully these ladies will come back again. We have some unfinished conversation to be had.

Today’s show was engineered by Maddy Bogner of Radio Kingston,

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

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#86 “Women Helping Women” with New Start for Women Program Director, Jordan Scruggs + Grief Coach, Claire Papell’

Writing from Espańa and after a little schedule mixup on my part, sharing the proper episode for today’s show. Don’t worry, Keiko and Claudia are next week, I promise!!! I am so excited to be sharing these interviews that I recorded with these two fabulous women who embody a big theme of this show, Women Helping Women!

My first interview is with Jordan Scruggs, a past guest with an exciting new job at SUNY Ulster as director of the New Start for Women Program. Jordan shares all the details about this program which to me is a great example of how one community is working to help lift up women who so deserve it. Jordan shares the fears and excitement of a career change and the lessons she’s already learning on her new job about the reality of what life can be like for these women. I can’t wait to have the women in the program on the show to hear about their experiences and the sisterhood they are already forming!

Midway through today’s show you’ll hear my chat with Claire Papell, a Grief Coach for Women holding space for women to heal and recover from the loss of a loved one. I was introduced to Claire by friend Amy Short and was so impressed by the meaningfulness of her work that I wanted to have her on as a guest. Claire is an advanced certified yoga teacher and a continuing student of yogic philosophy and spiritual wisdom which she brings into her work. Claire shares about her own past trauma and how it has led her to the work she does in holding space in a world that is often trying to push and pull us into places we are not yet ready to go. Thank you Claire!

Brava ladies!

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston,

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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#84 “Living Cooperatively” Evelyn Wright, Commonwealth HV and Julia Farr, Kingston Land Trust

Today I have a special guest host, MY MOM! In town for my big nuptials happening this weekend. We’re talking commons and cooperatives, economic democracy and sustainability with special guests Evelyn Wright founder of Commonwealth Hudson Valley and Julia Farr, Executive Director of the Kingston Land Trust. The website of Commonwealth HV perfectly sums up the importance of the work these women do, "Economic stagnation and the impending climate crisis have provoked a global flowering of interest and activity in developing innovative, community-driven ways to address income and wealth inequality, meet people’s needs, and build more stable, just communities. Communities are using a growing toolbox of strategies including cooperatives, community land trusts, non-extractive financing, and collaborative processes to create good, locally rooted jobs, democratize community wealth, and rebuild local commons. Cities and regions are supporting these efforts by creating support ecosystems, mobilizing anchor purchasing, and building grassroots incubators." Both of these ladies are spearheading this type of transformation in our community, and we hope it inspires you to be more cooperatively wherever you are.

Today’s show was engineered by Ben Benton of Radio Kingston,

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

Feel free to email me:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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#78 Endometriosis with Dr. Amy Novatt and Mel Toth

Wow, today was a powerful show of Mel Toth sharing her journey with Endometriosis. We start the conversation with Dr. Amy Novatt, Gynecologist and women’s health advocate, explaining what Endometriosis is, how to recognize the symptoms of the disease, why it’s hard to diagnose and treat, and how to manage the symptoms. Whether or not you suffer from this disease or are experiencing some other health concern, it seems there’s evidence enough for all of us to take the best care of ourselves as possible, reduce stress, eat nutritionally and prioritize our own health.

After this intro to "Endo," we get to learn about Mel, how she began her teaching career first instructing 4th graders and now teaching yoga at Shakti Woodstock and The Yoga House in Kingston. Mel openly and bravely shares the challenges that she’s faced with her health from painful and debilitating periods where she would often bleed for two weeks to the diagnosis of Endometriosis after discovering a large (22cm) mass on her ovary. After her first surgery, doctors warned her that if she wanted children she should begin to think about that as the Endometriosis could make it more difficult down the road. That sparked a journey to figure out what to do about children, leading to some time not worrying about it and then trying to get pregnant with the use of fertility enhancing drugs. Tune in to hear all that unfolds for Mel and her journey through fertility and surgery. She’s now on a path of deep self care, supported by a Canadian doctor and her practice, The Natural Endo Movement.

I thoroughly enjoyed speaking with Mel and was enraptured by her story. I hope to get her back on soon to go deeper into some of the big issues that she’s so gracefully navigating!

Today’s show was engineered by Ben Benton of Radio Kingston,

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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#73 Lisa Glick “Bipolar and Thriving” + Yukari Ogawa “Is it True?”

Lisa Glick shares her story from undiagnosed mental illness to bipolar to THRIVING! And Yukari Ogawa walks us through “The Work” of Byron Katie.

#69 Shawn Harrison, Cory Nakasue and Nidhi Adhiya-Huba “Clarity of Mind + Wisdom of Body”

Talking with yoginis and teachers, Shawn Harrison, Cory Nakasue and Nidhi Adhiya-Huba about the why and how of what they do, listening to the wisdom of the body, the return of the feminine, the benefits of yoga and meditation, getting out of boxes and structure and into chaos and freedom, women’s circles, rituals and what their own personal daily self care practices look like.

#56 Megan Offner (NY Heartwoods) / Erica Chase-Salerno (Thank You Cancer) “Living and Dying On Your Own Terms”

Hello to you, and happy Feb 13th, the day before Valentines Day, which we like to think of as ‘self-love day.’ Yes, Girl Talk is about Valentine’s Day, but not in the way you THINK we’re going to talk about it. Theresa had a One Billion Rising event this last weekend, which not only raised money for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, but also the one and only Eve Ensler came and married everyone to themself. Eeeee! You can watch the video of the event speakers HERE. If you want ALL the vows, send us an email.

Our first guest today is Megan Offner of New York Heart Woods. Her company consciously produces lumber, live-edge slabs, furniture and retail displays from fallen and urban Hudson Valley trees. Yet another amazingly creative person coming from Brooklyn, creating a life out of the world of set design and DJ’ing in the city. Yes she was raised in Missoula MT, yes she renovated a crack house in Ocean Hill Brooklyn, yes she researched green building materials, yes she invested in her own education… started her own business in Brooklyn and moved up to the Hudson Valley. Heck YES! She’s been clear from the beginning to stay true to her passions and principles. She learned through some ups and downs, a bout with skin cancer and an awareness of the roles the masculine versus the feminine has played in her life to also stay true to her own needs. She’s a true model for how we can all both live and work sustainably not only for ourselves but for our world.

Our second guest today is Shana’s dear friend Erica Chase-Salerno. Erica is a force, a healer, a writer, a mother, a lover of life and connection. She gifted her community and family with a dynamic and diverse view of the world, working with new mothers with Wyld Acres Healing Arts & Prenatal Communication, working with families as an intuitive, homeschooling her own kids, and always exploring creative projects, outings and activities. It’s no wonder that her own backyard labyrinth inspired a dedication to her at The Forsyth Nature Center. Prepare yourselves, Erica talks about the GIFT of Cancer, the CAN in cancer, each new chapter a gift. Ever since we (her friends and family) learned about her cancer, we were not aloud to use certain language. We were instructed to lose the ‘fight cancer’ lingo, the ‘I’m so sorry for you’ offerings, instead we were all encouraged to join her in her wonder and joy, her excitement and her desire to share every detail of her experiencing this part of her LIFE.  Shana knew that Erica would be down to do an interview to share her story with us one last time, so she sat with her bedside, wheeling the breathing machine into the hallways (although you can still hear it).  The entire interview  (one hour and 40 minutes) is available to all who what it, you can email: It is meant to offer you a positive story of death, dying, cancer, and what it’s like to do the ultimate transition with grace and joy. Erica passed away 6 days after this interview, Feb 7th, 2019.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Erica’s loving memory to her children’s education fund by mailing checks made payable to Michael Chase-Salerno to PO Box 300, Modena, NY 12548. Write “education” in the memo. Online tributes and remembrances may be posted at

You can read her obituary HERE.

Her TMI reading starts us off and you can watch that HERE.

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas from Radio Kingston. We heard audio from Ashley Knox from this past weekend’s 1st Annual Sojourner Truth Walk, and music from our one and only Shana Falana. Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another.

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#29 Jacinta Bunnell (Girls Will Be Boys, Coloring Book) / Jenny Shulkin (Ooh LaLoom) “Coloring Outside the Lines, Weaving and Dying”

Today Shana and Theresa Girl Talk on the state of #metoo after tuning into 1A’s coverage of CBS’s handling of the allegations against Les Moonves and how corporations are preparing across the board for continued allegations to surface.

Jacinta Bunnell brightens the studio with her creativity and enthusiasm for her feelings. Jacinta is an artist, activist, author and co-founder of B.R.A.W.L. She shares how studying Philosophy helped to shape her ability to think critically and how that in conjunction with taking care of children helped her to see how important it is to feel safe to color outside the lines. Speaking of, she has 4 very important, Queer positive and gender bending, coloring books that are opening up the lines and the boxes that kids have historically found themselves in. She recently began supporting Planned Parenthood through her art activism where she helps young people create art telling their story about how Planned Parenthood has helped them. You can see all that goodness at iluvplannedparenthood on Instagram. Finally, if you need helping sifting through belongings and getting rid of what you no longer need, Jacinta is the Marie Condo of the Hudson Valley.

Jenny Shulkin of OoLaLoom joins us and talks about how she got into weaving and the intricacies of weaving and dying. How she is finding her way in her craft staying true to herself and the way she wants to be weaving, creating and learning and evolving the business side of her work, and how she stays motivated and pushes through or gives herself permission to stop when she wants to.

Self care today takes us backward, or forward, stuffed animals and how slowing down is important for everything to continue to exist, including YOU! Tune into the podcast Secret Feminist Agenda that Shana recommends if you want to learn more about the art of slow everything and how stuffed animals may save your health and your sanity. Theresa talks about mantra…again, and one of her favorite musicians, Erika Wennerstrom, and how her lyrics have been her mantra when times get tough. Erika has a new-ish album out that is all about self-love, yeah! Go and get it and watch those mantras running in your head.

Next week we welcome GT Thomas, musician and artist and Lauree Ostrofsky, Author, Career Coach, Hugger, Founder of Simply Leap, LLC and Hudson Valley Women in Business. Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another.


Jacinta Bunnell, ,,

Jenny Shulkin ,

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston,
We heard music from Shana Falana,, and audio from the film, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry,

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#28 Theresa’s Nieces (Roadtrippin) / Jamie Sanin (CelebrateWomxn845) “Being a Girl and Supporting Womxn”

Shana’s holding down the studio while Theresa is reporting in from Wisconsin. In Girl Talk, we talk about a new show idea of street interviews of hip grannies that Shana has affectionately dubbed "biddies." Which leads us to a shout out to Antonio from la Voz and his coverage of Grannies Respond and their caravan to the border at Texas to protest the government’s treatment of immigrants seeking asylum. Then Shana and Theresa take a trip down memory lane to talk about life as they remembered it as a 5th grader, what it means to be a cool kid, and the challenges of not feeling like one.

Intro to Theresa’s roadtrippin interview with her nieces Eva (9 years old) and Amelia (12 years old) which was recently recorded on a car trip where Theresa tries to get into the head of a young girl. They are big into Youtube, no surprise there, like to dance, play sports, do math, and go tubing.

Our in studio guest is Jamie Sanin, artist and educator who works for Orange County Arts Council and founded CelebrateWomxn845. Jamie shares her memories of being a 5th grader, how she was big into music and choir and how she continues to be an artist and create art to this day. She enjoys breaking down access and the resistance or fear of art from the viewers perspective. How CelebrateWomxn845 began and how it was consciously inclusive of womxn who also identify as.

Self care talk is all about forgiveness today. Both Shana and Theresa have been exploring forgiveness in their own lives and how it feels like a form of self care, so this will probably not be the end of the conversation. If you’re looking for support in helping yourself forgive someone else, or even yourself, here’s an initial resource that Theresa found which may be helpful to you.

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas from Radio Kingston, and we heard music from our very own Shana Falana. Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another!

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#25 Cal Patch (Crochet, Entrepeneur) / Hawley Hussie (HHArtLab) “Happiness and Freedom…that’s SUCCESS”

In this week’s Girl Talk, Shana shares a tip on a new podcast from Dana Falsetti, a self defined "fat" yoga teacher who’s podcast dives into confidence, authenticity, critical thinking, body justice, inclusivity and awareness. Theresa offers up another Morning Matcha podcast on emotional metabolism with Dr. Habib Sadeghi which she found helpful in better understanding the benefits of mindfulness and not collecting residual emotional build up from moment to moment.

HOT FLASH! Shana’s having a hot flash. She’s pissed. A woman who will remain unnamed is critical of 12 step programs, and Shana believes, it’s all hands on deck. We are in a crisis and these programs are helping people. Haters should just "shut up!"

Our first guest Cal Patch joins us in the studio to talk about moving through her dreams of becoming a designer and a shopkeeper to finding her happy place on a mini-farm in the Hudson Valley where she can crochet, sew, weave, make art, and teach her craft to those who want to learn. She’s written a book on pattern making which you can buy from your local bookstore, just ask them to order it for you. Find her in the Valley and beyond teaching and bring your maker self alive.

Hawley Hussey, artist, writer, occasional performer, a living room lounge singer, cold water swimmer, Coney Island Mermaid, educator and activist joins us in the studio to talk about how she’s created her current life affirming gig at the HHArtLab which is a contemporary art makers space where newly arrived immigrants and special needs children can deepen their personal art practice and build community. Hawley shares her values in life and how they help her make decisions about what to do and how to do it. She finishes up by serenading Shana and Theresa with her rendition of "God’s Plan" by Drake.

Tomorrow’s the New Moon, and Theresa shared Mystic Mamma’s beautiful words about loving our whole selves, that’s ALL the parts!

Stay tuned for next week’s show where we invite Tiziana Agnello, owner of Love Thy Beast, and Jill Bressler, Designer turned User Experience expert. Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another.

Dana Falsetti

Morning Matcha

Cal Patch

Hawley Hussey

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston,
We heard music from Shana Falana,, Blossom Dearie, and WINGS audio clip!

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