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feminism – Page 3 – i want what SHE has

#162 “Caliban and the Witch” Part 2 Book Discussion

Happy Women’s History Month! In collaboration with Women’s History Month Kingston, we continue the discussion of Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch. This week we’re discussion Chapter 2, “The Accumulation of Labor and the Degradation of Women: Constructing ‘Difference’ in the ‘Transition to Capitalism'” and it’s myriad of topics including: Capitalist Accumulation and the Accumulation of Labor in Europe; Land Privatization in Europe, the Production of Scarcity and the Separation of Productions from Reproduction; The Price Revolution and the Pauperization of the European Working Class; The State Intervention in the Reproduction of Labor: Poor Relief, and the Criminalization of the Working Class; Population Decline, Economic Crisis, and the Disciplining of Women; The Devaluation of Women’s Labor; Women: The New Commons and the Substitute for the Lost Land; The Patriarchy of Wage; The Taming of Women and the Redefinition of Femininity and Masculinity: Women the Savages of Europe; Colonization, Globalization, and Women; Sex, Race and Class in the Colonies; Capitalism and the Sexual Division of Labor. Next week, we dive into Chapter 3, “The Great Caliban: The Struggle Against the Rebel Body.” Let us know your thoughts and questions!

Who’s in this conversation?

Rakel Stammer is an artist and teacher who primarily works in painting and drawing, but also dabbles in sound, installation, collage, writing, photography, printmaking and performance. Her work has been published in several magazines, anthologies and journals across the world and she has exhibited in Denmark, Sweden and the U.S. She was on the show before, pre-COVID in October 2019, talking about her series “The C%#& (C-word) Drawings” completed during a residency at Deer Creek Collective. Rakel speaks publicly and writes about capitalism, art, trauma, dominance and violence, seen through an anti-capitalist, intersectional feminist lens!

Carolita Johnson is a cartoonist (The New Yorker magazine) and illustrator from NYC. She spent 13 years in Paris, France, after graduating from Parson’s School of Design with a degree in Fashion Design. In Paris, she earned a masters degree in Modern Letters and Linguistics, and got some (admittedly very idiosyncratic) chops in pre-doctoral Medieval Anthropology, which turned out to be her gateway drug to cartoons and illustration. She is also a writer, has appeared on HBO and NPR, performed in various esteemed settings, is an alumnus of the O+ Festival, and most recently added teaching via SUNY New Paltz to her list of accomplishments.

FEMINIST ACTION! Support NY Caring Majority’s efforts to increase the wages for home care workers. Call Senate and Assembly leadership and let them know that #FairPay4HomeCare is a win-win for all New Yorkers! Let us know once you make the call here:…/1FAIpQLSfxBCAC…/viewform…

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, (518) 455-2585

Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie, (518) 455-3791

SCRIPT: Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME]. I’m calling to urge [THEIR NAME] to include Fair Pay 4 Home Care in this year’s one-house budget and ensure that home care workers receive a wage of at least 150% of the minimum wage. Because of the current low pay, New York is the center of a workforce shortage in this sector, with even more home care workers leaving the workforce in droves right when we need them most. This is forcing many seniors and people with disabilities to live in nursing homes instead of receiving their services at home. Assemblymember Dick Gottfried and Senator Rachel May are sponsoring this budget priority, and the bill number is S5374. Will you include Fair Pay 4 Home Care in the one-house budget?

Theresa and Ana’s New Moon Virtual Circle “Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother Crone” – Saturday, March 13th 7-9pm

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken, host of Freedom Highway, AND produced, hosted, and edited by ME, Theresa, so please forgive any hiccups.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#161 “Caliban and the Witch” Part 1 Book Discussion

Happy Women’s History Month! In collaboration with Women’s History Month Kingston, we begin the discussion of Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch. This week we’re discussion section one, “All the World Needs a Jolt,” and it’s myriad of topics including “Serfdom as a Class Relation,” “The Struggle on the Commons,” “Liberty and Social Division,” “The Heretical Movements,” “The Politicization of Sexuality,” “The Black Death and the Labor Crisis,” and the rise of the State to counter the peasants revolution. Next week, we dive into part 2, “The Accumulation of Labor and the Degradation of Women: Constructing “Difference” in “Transition to Capitalism.” Let us know your thoughts and questions!

Who’s in this conversation?

Rakel Stammer is an artist and teacher who primarily works in painting and drawing, but also dabbles in sound, installation, collage, writing, photography, printmaking and performance. Her work has been published in several magazines, anthologies and journals across the world and she has exhibited in Denmark, Sweden and the U.S. She was on the show before, pre-COVID in October 2019, talking about her series “The C%#& (C-word) Drawings” completed during a residency at Deer Creek Collective. Rakel speaks publicly and writes about capitalism, art, trauma, dominance and violence, seen through an anti-capitalist, intersectional feminist lens!

Carolita Johnson is a cartoonist (The New Yorker magazine) and illustrator from NYC. She spent 13 years in Paris, France, after graduating from Parson’s School of Design with a degree in Fashion Design. In Paris, she earned a masters degree in Modern Letters and Linguistics, and got some (admittedly very idiosyncratic) chops in pre-doctoral Medieval Anthropology, which turned out to be her gateway drug to cartoons and illustration. She is also a writer, has appeared on HBO and NPR, performed in various esteemed settings, is an alumnus of the O+ Festival, and most recently added teaching via SUNY New Paltz to her list of accomplishments.

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken, host of Freedom Highway, AND produced, hosted, and edited by ME, Theresa, so please forgive any hiccups.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#160 Jordan Scruggs, Arlene Coffey and Rachel Collins “Hustle Hard Girl!”

Today, I welcome back Jordan Scruggs, Director of the New Start for Women Program at SUNY Ulster. She was a guest way back in the day on Nov. 7, 2018 for Episode No. 42 and then again on Sept. 12, 2019 for Episode No. 86. I obviously love her! Jordan is joined today by two phenomenal women.

Arlene Coffey is 32 years old, a proud mama and a lover of life. She began New Start for Women through SUNY Ulster in July of 2020, where she is currently working on a certificate in General Management. Being in New Start has helped her to remember her passion for the business world and learning in general and she is enjoying the process of finding herself again. She loves being creative and has been doing a press-on nail venture on the side for fun during Covid season. She has high hopes for owning her own business one day and helping other women to find their voices and follow their dreams.

Rachel Collins is 41 years old and currently a full-time student at SUNY Ulster, where her major is Business and Entrepreneurial Studies. She has a license in esthetics and hopes to start her own skincare business from home once she completes her associates degree this spring. Her journey toward this goal started with New Start for Women as a member of the first cohort. Rachel graduated from the program with a certificate in General Management in May of 2020. In her downtime she enjoys reading, watching murder mysteries, playing Call of Duty with her 18-year-old son and snuggling with her cat, Arya.

Both of them share their life journeys which have included hardship, doubt, fear, resilience, perseverance, self-love, self-care, and hustle. Congrats ladies on being role models to all of us!

Applications to join the program are open until March 31st. You can contact Jordan directly at 845-303-3400 or

Starting next week! Caliban and the Witch book discussion, a part of, is happening throughout the month of March. Join in the conversation by emailing me, or commenting on Instagram or Facebook as you tune in for some fun and fiery conversation with Rakel Stammer and special guests.

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken, host of Freedom Highway, AND produced, hosted, and edited by ME, Theresa, so please forgive any hiccups.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#143 Beth Bengtson is Working for Women

Beth Bengtson believes that real change happens when business talent supports non-profit missions, when women achieve economic independence, and personal passion meets organizational focus! She started WorkingForWomen (W4W) to provide a new operating structure that taps into all these pillars.

She learned the power of purpose-driven business practices through years of education and professional experience. She has an MBA from Schiller International University in Paris, France, and a BS in management from Penn State University; and is certified in empowerment design and facilitation through the Empowerment Institute. She has spent 20 years in leadership roles on the agency side and in-house at organizations large and small, facilitating change through communications internally and externally. Her focus is on helping organizations evolve and be purpose-driven.

Her work is strengthened by an energetic family – two adolescent boys, two dogs, and her husband – biking, hiking, skiing, and kayaking. Any remaining free time is spent with friends or alone in nature.

Beth says the key to success is taking baby steps toward your goals each day.

Today we talk about how she’s fared personally during the pandemic, the state of women’s issues/work and funding, what she’s up to at W4W and taking care of our shared outdoor spaces. You can learn more about and make a donation to the Wallkill Valley Land Trust here.

Here’s the info for Raising Hope’s Fundraiser, Thursday, October 29th, 7-8pm.

Here’s the info for Seasoned Gives Domestic Violence Awareness Yoga with Tara Sanders, Saturday, October 31st, 12-1pm.

And here’s a link to my Full Moon Manifestation Zoom class on Friday, October 30th, 10am.

Want to explore Samhain, here’s a place to start!

Several other articles that were mentioned can be found here:

The Pandemic’s Devastating Toll on Women

Female Doctors Spend More Time and Earn Less

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken of Freedom Highway on Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who inspires you! (845) 481-3429

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#143 Beth Bengston is Working for Women

Beth Bengtson believes that real change happens when business talent supports non-profit missions, when women achieve economic independence, and personal passion meets organizational focus! She started WorkingForWomen (W4W) to provide a new operating structure that taps into all these pillars.

She learned the power of purpose-driven business practices through years of education and professional experience. She has an MBA from Schiller International University in Paris, France, and a BS in management from Penn State University; and is certified in empowerment design and facilitation through the Empowerment Institute. She has spent 20 years in leadership roles on the agency side and in-house at organizations large and small, facilitating change through communications internally and externally. Her focus is on helping organizations evolve and be purpose-driven.

Her work is strengthened by an energetic family – two adolescent boys, two dogs, and her husband – biking, hiking, skiing, and kayaking. Any remaining free time is spent with friends or alone in nature.

Beth says the key to success is taking baby steps toward your goals each day.

Today we talk about how she’s fared personally during the pandemic, the state of women’s issues/work and funding, what she’s up to at W4W and taking care of our shared outdoor spaces. You can learn more about and make a donation to the Wallkill Valley Land Trust here.

Here’s the info for Raising Hope’s Fundraiser, Thursday, October 29th, 7-8pm.

Here’s the info for Seasoned Gives Domestic Violence Awareness Yoga with Tara Sanders, Saturday, October 31st, 12-1pm.

And here’s a link to my Full Moon Manifestation Zoom class on Friday, October 30th, 10am.

Want to explore Samhain, here’s a place to start!

Several other articles that were mentioned can be found here:

The Pandemic’s Devastating Toll on Women

Female Doctors Spend More Time and Earn Less

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken of Freedom Highway on Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who inspires you! (845) 481-3429

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#129 Lydia Willoughby of Sassafras Mercantile

Lydia Willoughby, Founder & General Manager of Sassafras Mercantile comes from a family of pine tree farmers and geologists in South Carolina. As shopkeep and general manager Lydia (she) has always been drawn to plant life and soil. With her Moon in the 12th House, and Sun in the 8th House, Lydia’s work revolves around exchange and nurturance in integrating the unknown and the mysterious into accessible platforms for transformation and resolution built on systems of care. Lydia offers tarot readings from a queer, trauma-informed perspective that engages the cycle of life, death, and rebirth through the collective human experience. She studied herbalism with Dina Falconi, and studied tarot in person with Lindsay Mack and Audrey Gilbert. Lydia completed a permaculture design certification course with Sowing Solutions in Shelburne Falls, MA. 

Sassafras Mercantile was founded with an interest in connecting community knowledge to personal liberation, and convening a beautiful, inclusive, queer, feminist, anti-racist space that asks questions with curiosity and answers with a full heart and a little bit of magic in the City of Kingston, NY.

Today we chatted about Lydia’s background and relationship to land and trees, how she got into the work she does today which is very multifaceted but also naturally connected and aligned. She shares a new project at Sassafras, the monthly wellness subscription box, how Tarot fits into her life and how she offers it to others, and a whole lot more. Stay tuned for more cool community collaboration and offerings from Lydia and her crew!

Today we heard music by Shana Falana including “Right Now is All We Know” from her most recent album, Darkest Light.

Today’s show was engineered Manuel Blas from

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845) 481-3429

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#106 Comedians Jessieca McNabb and Perla Ayora

I managed to keep things relatively sane with these two comedians in the house today. Perla Ayora, Tech Coordinator at Radio Kingston and Stand Up Comedian talks about her roots in the Yucatan, Mayan culture, leaving for the States, the discrimination she faced and how she came to try stand up comedy about a year ago. Jessieca McNabb started performing stand up in the early ’90s and hasn’t stopped making people laugh since. Aside from splitting sides each week as co-host on No One Like You, she is a regular emcee of various comedy events all over the Hudson Valley. She’s been involved in community activism with Harambee Kingston and now co-hosts Harambee Radio, a weekly show on RadioKingston.

We get into a little of the personal and a little of the professional. Uncovering a bit of their process, why comedy is important to them, a transformational life experience each of them had, Black History month, empathy, building connections, breaking down walls, what they do to take care of themselves and lots more. I started this show thinking that doing stand up would be frightening, and I haven’t changed my mind. The fascinating thing is that they both feel the same way. They experience that fear before each of their shows yet they still get out there and do it. I am seriously impressed. Brava ladies!

You can catch them next on February 14th at the Valentine’s Day Love and Laugh Get Down. Lots is happening for Black History Month here in Kingston like Sip and Paint this Sunday, February 9th and Nubian Cafe on Wednesday, February 12th hosted by Radio Kingston’s SB. I’ll say it again here folks, Black History is everyone’s History so it’s a great time to think about what that means for you and how you celebrate your neighbors year-round. If you want to get involved or support Harambee, you can learn more here.

Today’s show was engineered by Maddy Bogner of Radio Kingston,

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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#101 Happy 2020! Be Good To Yourself!

Happy New Year, and Happy Birthday MOM! I pay homage to my Mom and my Grandma before digging into the crates so to speak to spin many of my favorite Erika Wennerstrom and Heartless Bastards songs. Sorry to all you podcast listeners, you won’t get the music here, you’ll have to check out the show archive in its entirety on Radio Kingston, or catch the Spotify playlist for the show.  “Be Good to Yourself” comes from Erika’s solo album, Sweet Unknown.

In my birthday wishes to my Mom, I thank my Grandma who we lost on 12.3.19. At 91, she had overcome some big challenges in life, getting through the great depression and having to share a single pair of roller skates with her 6 siblings! I know, tragic. She was a bit of a strong willed woman, running away from home and skipping school, ending up in a girls school, graduated at 13 years old and went to work. Pregnant with my Mom at 18, she got herself out of an abusive relationship and went on to have two more children and a life full of lots of animal print outfits and furniture, colored contact lenses, fake fingernails, homemade jewelry, 9 grandkids, 12 great-grandkids and an always full freezer of homemade pudding pops. Thanks for all your strength grandma and all the memories!

I also share some thoughts about the calendar, how Jan. 1 is a bit arbitrarily the start of the year- at one point in history the beginning of the year was March 25th, “Lady Day” – how these systems which we exist within are deserving of a rethink, or at least an acknowledgement that they were often put into place by a power driven patriarchy so that we can reverse/undo the damage they’ve caused. This year, I’d love to move the conversation into how we feminize our systems. Yes, there’s still more work to be done with awakening and celebrating the feminine in human form, but let’s include in the conversation how we feminize the government, religion, economy, calendar, corporate structures, etc. etc. It’s not just about putting women in there. We need to be putting the correct type of feminine energy into the systems. Who wants to join in this conversation???

Today’s show was engineered by me at Radio Kingston,

In addition to Erika Wennerstrom and the Heartless Bastards, we heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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#99 “Eating and Speaking from the Heart” with Nutritionist Gabriela Friedman and NVC Facilitator Lyndsey Harrington

My first guest today is Gabriela Friedman.  Originally from Brazil, @gabriela_friedman has taken some pretty bold steps in her life to bring her to where she is today, a Mom, a personal trainer, and a nutritionist based in the Hudson Valley. From her own journey Gabriela discovered how a lifestyle built around healthy living and physical fitness could empower, build confidence and discipline, and add overall happiness to one’s life. Her ultimate goal is to support and motivate her clients to develop habits to live a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and exercise.

She shares about her childhood and how she came to the US in a rather unplanned way, about starting a formal path in nutrition following up on the seed that was planted by her mother early on and how she works to educate her children about how to eat to support good health. Gabriela’s philosophy is largely moderation. It’s not about restricting, but rather eating with color (not food coloring!) and vibrancy. Being active and healthy is part of Gabriela’s everyday life. My favorite advice from her is “it’s not about what you eat between Thanksgiving and New Year’s that matters, it’s what you eat from New Year’s to Thanksgiving!”

Here are the two food and eating resources I mentioned, but there are so many more! A fascinating approach to mindful eating Ram Dass, Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein and Christy Harrison, Food Psych podcast.

Today’s second guest is Lyndsey Harrington. Hailing from Santa Barbara by way of Melbourne, Australia, Lyndsey has been dedicated to Nonviolent Communication since she first encountered it in 2012. Growing up with a deep love for meditation and alternative healing, she found herself yearning for a practice that could bridge the sense of loving unity she felt with the world during her meditations and maintaining that sense of connection in her everyday human life. For her, Nonviolent Communication is that bridge.

She shares how in 2012, while living in Brooklyn, Lyndsey encountered Marshall Rosenberg’s book “Nonviolent Communication” at the request of a co-living space and all who occupied it together. She was so impressed with how she observed her flat mates communicating and relating to one another that she dove in deeper. In 2015, she began studying with the New York Center for Nonviolent Communication and then, in 2017, joined their team as a workshop facilitator/trainer. She has facilitated several NYCNVC intensives, supported the organization as a course coordinator, and has led and co-led NVC practice groups in Brooklyn and the Hudson Valley where she now resides.

Lyndsey shares a bit about NVC walking us through some of the main concepts about using feelings language, slowing down, taking time to have a conversation with curiosity, rather than a confrontation, all which leads to more harmony and a meeting of everyone’s needs.  It’s largely a practice in rewiring the brain from habitual responses and re-educating how we’re trained about our own needs and the needs of others.  We all really want the same things so remember that when you’re sitting at the dinner table with your beloved family members. There’s so much practical information in our conversation, so tune in for some tips on how to move through a situation that may be triggering using principals of NVC. Hint, “strike while the iron is cool.”

Today’s show was engineered by Maddy Bogner of Radio Kingston,

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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#97 “Keeping it Local” with Designer Sylvia Grieser, Jewelry Maker Rebecca Peacock, Artist Susie Ximenez & Cider Maker Kimberly Kae

Keeping it LOCAL! Look around you, support your friends and neighbors, buy local when you are able to! Joining me today live from Anderst on North Front Street, in Kingston, NY are a group of local ladies making things and doing things in the Hudson Valley. I did my best to edit out some of the technical hiccups we experienced with our remote broadcast so conversation does jump around a bit. Thanks ladies for joining in our talk!

Sylvia Grieser is an internationally renowned fashion stylist, costume designer and consultant for celebrities, films and design houses. After graduating with a Masters Degree in Fashion and Fine Art in Germany, she was invited to work for German Vogue,which led her to New York and a future in the Fashion and Advertising world. Celebrities like Diana Krall, Patti LuPone and Audra McDonald often consult her to style their appearances on prominent Award Shows or Album Covers. She has contributed to magazines like GQ, Details, Surface, VOGUE Goielli and VOGUE Pelle as well as MEN’S HEALTH, to name a few. On top of all that, she has created ANDERST@anderstny her boutique clothing line and store front located at 54 North Front Street in Kingston, NY,

Rebeccas Peacock  @rebecca_peacock is a fine jewelry maker based in the Catskill Mountains of upstate NY. According to the lore, she was raised by wolves in the woods of the Catskill Mountains only to be tamed by ten years in the California salt air. She is now back in the Hudson Valley, crafting her gorgeous pieces, renovating a 19th century farmhouse, and womaning her store front in Uptown Kingston, NY. Rebecca tells us a bit about the process of making jewelry, about why keeping the local community in mind when designing and selling is important as well as where she gets her inspiration from.

Kimberly Kae from Metal House Cider stopped by to talk about the process of making cider from tree to label and how pruning is her favorite part of the process because she gets to spend time with the trees. They just announced that they will be donating $1 per bottle sold on all their 2017 vintages toward the Interpretive Center being build on the reclaimed African burial grounds in Kingston, NY. Thanks Metal House Cider!

Midway through Susie Ximenez from Latinx Project joined our conversation. Latinx seeks to promote Latinx art and culture in the Hudson Valley. They invest in creative work that highlights the complexity, nuance, and beauty of communities who are often rendered criminal or invisible.  Art has the power to move audiences in ways that movement messaging can’t—through new narratives that relate to and transform their own experiences. Latinx is hosting it’s second annual Mercadito on Nov. 30th from 10-3 at BSP Kingston. This is more than just a market, this is an effort to bring the POC community of Hudson Valley together and empower makers of color – to reclaim our crafts and empower our community to shop consciously.

Lucky for us, the wise and caring, Celina Pipman, LCSW, also stopped by to join in the conversation. We all got to talk about working collaboratively with other women, how community is important to us, what we get from community and what we need from community, in addition to how we are taking care of ourselves.

​Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken, host of Freedom Highway, and Maddy Bogner of Radio Kingston, With special help from Perla Aroyo Darnell.

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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