#158 Artist Rosalie Frankel “Mirth and Melancholy”

Rosalie Frankel is originally from the Bronx, but has made a home in many fantastic places like Vieques, Puerto Rico and Manhattan, and now calls Kingston her home. She has been making Collage since Kindergarten, setting figures free and featuring them in new stories. The work is an attempted examination of undeniable confusion inherent in the dichotomy between mirth and melancholy. She is exploring the lively stew of relationships as well as emotions. Her art is the vehicle to expose both the glory and struggle of Eros.

Rosalie shares about when she first starting making art, how she’s finally learning to have faith in her work and process now that she’s a bit older, letting go enough so that it doesn’t stop her, not following the rules and how breathing helps her.

I also played a portion of an interview I participated in with Keiko Sono and Brett Barry, Podcasters Talk Podcasts. Check out Keiko’s Intrinsic Podcast all about what makes life worth living. It’s about the innate value of each individual and the fundamental motivation that drives us. What if we could align this value and motivation with our jobs? What if we could support ourselves and our families doing what we are good at and enjoy doing? How would that affect our society? What would such a society look like? These are the questions we’ll be asking in Intrinsic.

New Moon tomorrow! Venus and Jupiter bringing in the LOVE vibration. I’ll be working on a self love affirmation to carry us through my next 11 day practice which you can join in live (7am weekdays/8am weekends) or catch the IGTV on Instagram or follow along and join via YouTube. Starting Friday, Feb. 12th.

Love Yourself and Uplift One Another!

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken of Freedom Highway on Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

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