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feminist – i want what SHE has

299 Tracy Sayre “Moonshot Initiative”

Today I am joined by Tracy Sayre, co-founder of Moonshot Initiative (formerly Women’s Weekend Film Challenge) who helps thousands of women build networks and break down barriers in the film and television industries. Through Moonshot, Tracy has produced nearly 40 short films. She is an award-winning screenwriter and wrote and produced “Lily + Mara” with her writing partner, Caroline Roberts (AP of “The Little Mermaid”), which screened on PBS and had its world premiere at the Rhode Island International Film Festival. Tracy lives in Kingston with her husband and two daughters. She is an avid reader and loves weightlifting.

Tracy shares about how Moonshot Initiative was born and the work they now do including their pilot accelerator program, their signature weekend film challenge, and monthly virtual workshops featuring prominent film and TV professionals. Tracy is a panelist for HERSTORY, an evening of conversation and networking with others in the film and television industry here in the Hudson Valley. It’s all taking place on Tuesday, November 7th at 6:30 pm at the Rosendale Theater.

In the spirit of the Moon and because it is my “religion,” I share thoughts on our Moon Signs inspired by the book, The Moon Sign Guide by Annabel Gat and then some thoughts about the New Moon from Sarah Faith Gottesdiener’s The Moon Book. The New Moon is coming up this Mo(0)nday, so time to start thinking about your ritual!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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265 “The Art of Living” with Isabel Cotarelo and Marielena Ferrer

On this month’s installment of Spirituality and Politics, Marelena Ferrer and I are joined by Isabel Cotarelo, an artist who’s life experiences express through her work. “The need to modify the contiguous space and the objects in it has always emanated as an irresistible force. The experiences that I have had throughout my life have changed the output of that force. As a Latina growing up in a matriarchal family, the useful craft making process and cooking that bonded members and generated stories and guidance are now part of my story and a repository from where I can launch a new re-invention of self.”

​Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and living and working in Kingston, NY, Isabel studied Fine Art and Counseling, has received numerous grants and awards and exhibited internationally since 1983.

She co-curated the exhibit at the Arts Society of Kingston featuring women from around the globe to Celebrate “HERstory.”

Our conversation weaves through the experiences of being a woman, being raised in a matriarchal family, the importance of spaces for women and Isabel’s own HERstory.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

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262 Beth Fisher-Yoshida “A Woman’s Guide to Negotiation”

Today’s guest is BETH FISHER-YOSHIDA, PH.D., CCS, a global expert and educator in intercultural negotiation and communication. She’s the program director of Columbia University’s Master of Science in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, a negotiation consultant for the United Nations, and the CEO of the consulting agency Fisher Yoshida International. She works in the U.S. and worldwide, conducting workshops on leadership, culture, workplace conflict, and negotiation, and boasts a client list that includes Fortune 100 companies, nonprofits, military and security forces, governments, NGOs, and educational institutions. Her new book, New Story, New Power: A Woman’s Guide to Negotiation(Bold Story Press; January 23, 2023), helps women of all ages make successful negotiations a reality. Learn more at

Beth shares her insight based upon her research about why it is often harder for women to negotiate and offers suggestions about how to overcome the unique challenges women face. Our conversation weaves through ideas about the stories we carry with us, how to identify them and then how to change them so that you can change the outcomes in your life. This includes how and why the brain operates the way it does and tips for circumventing its default. Beth’s approach to this work is very thoughtful and grounded in the potency of self awareness. I thoroughly enjoyed reading her book. It’s truly going to be powerful for anyone who wants to learn to communicate and collaborate with others better.

BONUS…Beth is offering a free coaching session for the first 30 people who write a review of her book on Amazon!

In the first half of the show I revisit the concept of narrative bias and of course share the New Moon Report from Tanaaz. (Beth’s interview begins around minute 39.)

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana! And we listened to some extra songs from Erika Wennerstrom during the live show.

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260 Manda Zand Ervin “History of the Courageous Women of Iran”

Today I reply my interview from February 2020 with MANDA ZAND ERVIN, Founder and Director of the Alliance of Iranian Women. We will be talking about Iran, the beautiful history of Iran, the ruling Women-Gods, the plight of women in Iran under Sharia law, and her new book, “The Ladies’ Secret Society: History of the Courageous Women of Iran.

During the Iranian Islamic revolution, Manda witnessed the execution of many innocent people, including her high school principal who was murdered because she was a woman and the secretary of education.  She witnessed the human rights of the Iranian people, especially the women, taken away from them. She witnessed her homeland leaving the twentieth century to turn backward and she witnessed the effect.

Manda came to the United States as a political refugee on June 17th, 1980, became a citizen three years later and began her fight for human rights in Iran. She is the founder and president of the Alliance of Iranian Women a group which has deep connections within the Iranian diaspora and within Iran.

As the head of the Alliance of Iranian Women, Manda Ervin works to bring the West’s attention to the plight of Iranian women under Islamic Sharia laws.  She almost single-handedly gathered the support to pass a 2003 U.S. Senate Resolution on the human rights of the women of Iran. In 2005 Manda was invited to speak at the UN conference on the family in Islamic societies.

Manda is an analyst and writer, published by many online political magazines, like the Hudson Institute, American Thinker, and Family Security Matters, National Review and others.  She speaks on TV and radio programs, nationally and internationally, including CNN, BBC, Radio France, VOA, Radio Liberty.

Her book reveals, in print for the first time, the long history of struggle against clerical domination that Iranian women have been engaged in for centuries. Rooted in the proud history of ancient Iran, where Mother-Gods were once worshipped, the Ladies’ Secret Society, an organization founded in the early decades of the 20th Century, was both the inheritor of this proud history, and the progenitor of the contemporary women’s rights campaign in the Iran of today. Zand Ervin relates the stories, and records the accomplishments, of generations of individual women activists, who fought like lionesses for every scrap of freedom they gained, only to see all their hard-won rights destroyed with the coming of Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution. During the Islamic revolution, Zand Ervin witnessed the execution of many innocent people, including her high school principal, who was executed simply because she was a woman, and the Secretary of Education. She offers heartbreaking and compelling eyewitness testimonies of strong and emancipated women who were brutally pushed backwards to living under a crude, medieval society, and who have fought back, under sometimes impossible odds, and continue fighting today. Manda Zand Ervin’s History of Iran, the Iran that has been imprisoned behind a veil offers an insight and context to news of terrorism and the dangers caused by the misogynistic clerical regime ruling Iran which continues to dominate headlines.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston,

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

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246 The History of the Witch

In honor of the season, I wanted to remind us all of the history of the “witch” and her persecution by reading from Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch.

And here’s a little Tarot reading for the week.

The playlist we enjoyed throughout the show can be found here.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845) 481-3429

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237 “Rewinding to January 2018” with Gail Ann Dorsey and Ruth Ungar

I’m still in newborn land so playing an oldie but goodie in honor of Olivia Newton John and this weekend’s Summer Hoot with Olivia super fan and musician Gail Ann Dorsey and Hoot founder and musician Ruth Ungar Merenda. These interviews originally aired in January 2018 when Shana and I were hosting together. It was our second episode! I could listen to these women speak for days…

P.S. Gail says to see the movie Network! And here’s such a profound example of her talent.

We also heard these songs today: My Baby Drinks Water by the Mammals, 2Gether by Naiika Sings, Good Things by Olivia K and the Parkers, La Belleza by Lau Noah, Magic Powers by Liana Gabel, If You Could Hear Me Know by the Mammals. Check out the playlist to listen!

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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Female State of Mind

“So not every female human being is necessarily a woman; she must take part in this mysterious and endangered reality known as femininity. Is femininity secreted by the ovaries? Is it enshrined in a Platonic heaven? Is a frilly petticoat enough to bring it down to earth? Although some women zealously strive to embody it, the model has never been patented.” Simone de Beauvoir.

This seems like a good place to start. It may not be where we end because this is a big subject. One that has been studied and debated by many scholars and will continue to evolve as we evolve as humans and our society evolves as the collective of we humans. This discussion is not meant to reinvent the wheel or suggest that I have the answer that someone else hasn’t already shared. It’s not meant to suggest that this is the one and only definition of female, and that there can be no others. No, it’s really about establishing where my head is at so that you know where I’m coming from, so that we’re working from the same foundation in how we define the words that shape the work and the thoughts here.

Let’s start with some of the easier points. For our purposes, female is essentially the embodiment of the feminine. We’re using it as an adverb, not a noun. It does not mean gender although many women tend to embody female “characteristics” well, not always, but often.  However, we all have the potential for embodying both feminine and masculine qualities and many of us already do. Yes, let’s look for opportunities to recognize and honor the embodiment of the feminine in a male body hoping that one day, there will be no need to distinguish between the two. So for the purposes of this work, this philosophy, this opinion, female is the feminine regardless of what it looks like or what shape it comes in.

But what does it look like? How do we know it when we see it? This is the real work. This is where things get difficult and confusing, gender lines get blurred and challenged and emotions get triggered when identity is challenged or perceived to be judged. So let’s start with something less personal, the female in nature. From a Chinese perspective, the female is yin, and yin is described as earth, passive, docile, slow, dark, cold, soft, moist, and consuming while the male is Yang and represents the opposite. In Chinese mythology, it is believed that the world went from being formless chaos to what it is today because Yin and Yang at one point became balanced with one another allowing for creation to take form. Today, Yin is always dancing with Yang, sometimes they are balanced and in equilibrium while at other times there is more of one than the other.

Image by disoniador on Pixabay

While women and men may embody many of their respective Yin or Yang qualities, it’s more complex than that because of this dance between Yin and Yang within everything, even ourselves and how that interacts with our actions and interactions as humans. When we think of the feminine as embodied in human form it is receptive, it welcomes with open arms, it is inclusive, it is nurturing and it is love. It is community, it is the great Mother, it is the greater good over the individual, it is peace. When we see the feminine in action, we see a bountiful existence for all. We see equality for all. We see life.

Being feminine means being gentle but not necessarily weak. Being feminine means taking care of oneself in order to best serve her needs and not just the needs of others or the corporation. Being feminine means tuning into all wisdom not just that of the analytical thinking brain. Being feminine means living in harmony with our surroundings recognizing that we are all one sharing in this planet and not extracting from these surroundings in an imbalanced way. Being feminine means being capable of empathizing in order to prevent the mutual damage of otherizing. Being feminine is creating, tapping into that creative flow, in all it’s many forms.

As the Tao suggests, it’s not Yin or Yang, black or white, feminine or masculine? It’s questionable that we should even be using the words feminine and masculine because of their origin. They grew out of a need to describe the traits that were generally observed to be embodied by each respective gender or even imposed on each gender. As the world changes and the concepts of gender are becoming challenged and possibly even obsolete, we may serve ourselves better if we understand the characteristics that were once assumed to be gender specific to be gender neutral and therefore requiring of new terminology. Maybe that’s the best way forward after all. Until that time, I’ll still be talking femininity.

201 Isis Benitez “I’m Worthy”

On today’s show I share my very real conversation with Isis Benitez, a 22 year old woman who is struggling with loving her body for how it looks. She has struggled time and time again with thinking that she is “fat” (a term she uses). Benitez’s biggest struggle is when she tries to love herself so much but thinks her stomach is the problem. She sees herself as being a big girl, and therefore she made the Instagram account called @_im.worthy_ to help her in this process. She wants to be able to be her 100% authentic self and not be ashamed of her body. With the body image struggle, Benitez also struggles with the fear of saying “No” to others and letting other people down. A lot of this has to do with how society sees Women in America and the expectations and pressure to have to look and act a certain way. Now Isis Benitez is able to speak out on what is truly affecting her with loving herself and loving being a woman.

Here’s the info on Circle Creative Collective’s “Holiday Makers Market.”

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston,

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

Plus here’s the playlist of songs for those of you who are listening on the pod.

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200 Annette Simmons and Areva Martin “Authors and Thought Leaders”

Today the show begins with a conversation with Annette Simmons, a keynote speaker, consultant, and author of four books, including The Story Factor, which is listed in The 100 Best Business Books of All Time. She received a business degree from Louisiana State University, went on to spend ten years in Australia in international business, then received an M.Ed. from North Carolina State University, before founded Group Process Consulting in 1996. Her latest book is titled, Drinking from a Different Well: How Women’s Stories Change What Power Means in Action. Learn more at her book’s website. Today Annette shares her thoughts on the different narrative men and women have around power, how women can come to trust their own instinct, how to resist gaslighting, how women can insist on their own narrative and stick to it, why moral emotions are so important and lots more. I read her book cover to cover in about 1 DAY, so I highly recommend!

In the second half of the show I get to speak with Areva Martin, an award-winning civil rights attorney, advocate, social issues commentator, talk show host, and producer. A CNN legal analyst and Harvard Law School graduate, Martin founded Martin & Martin, LLP, a Los Angeles-based civil rights firm, and is the CEO of Butterflly Health, Inc., a mental health technology company. A best-selling author, Martin has dedicated her fourth book, Awakening: Ladies, Leadership, and the Lies We’ve Been Told, to helping women worldwide recognize, own, and assert their limitless power. Today Areva shares some of her own personal story as it relates to gender inequality, what she’s learned by listening to the stories of other women, the lies that women have been told that have held them back, and how to beat a system that’s (still) rigged against women.

Here’s an astrology report for Friday/Saturday’s New Moon! And here’s a link to register for my Virtual New Moon Circle this Friday, Dec. 3rd at 8pm Eastern.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston,

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana,

Feel free to email me, say hello:

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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#198 June Millington “From Fanny to Institute for Musical Arts”

Today I have the ultimate honor to share my conversation with June Millington, a Filipino American guitarist, songwriter, producer, educator, actress and writer. She was the co-founder and lead guitarist of the all-female rock band Fanny, which was active from 1970 to 1974. After leaving the band, June went in pursuit of her spiritual path, continued to make music, collaborate, act, write and is the co-founder and artistic director of the Institute for the Musical Arts (IMA) aka the “Magical Queendom” in Goshen, Massachusetts.

The Institute for the Musical Arts was co-founded with partner Ann Hackler in Northern California in 1986 and received its nonprofit status in 1987.  It operated its studio and programs from Bodega, California’s historic Old Creamery until 2001 when property was purchased in Western Massachusetts for a permanent facility. The institute’s nonprofit mission is to support women and girls in music and music-related businesses.  Rooted in the legacy of progressive equal rights movements, IMA’s development is guided by the visions, needs and concerns of women from a diversity of backgrounds and has grown from the need to nourish ourselves and each other. In addition to its summer programs for girls, IMA offers concerts and workshops year-round in support of its nonprofit mission which, unless otherwise noted, are open to the public.

Today June shares about how they are supporting girls at IMA, leaving Fanny, feminism, foremothers, Buddhism, cancer, life lessons and what’s she’s got on the horizon.

Here are the important links for you! IMA and their Summer Programs. Memoir, Land of a Thousand Bridges. And if you want more of the  Fanny story, you can check out where to stream Fanny: The Right to Rock.

You can support IMA by joining in their upcoming November 20th and 27th events, both of which will be livestreamed! And stay tuned for June’s upcoming release, “Snapshots.”

You can check out June’s TEDxTalk, “Rocking the Boat: How Playing Like a Girl Can Change the World.”

Linking here also to Ann Hackler’s TEDx Talk, “Leading from the Kitchen.”

And finally the Go Fund Me for Jean Millington, June’s sister.

Here’s the Full Moon report I read from!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

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