#38 Khadijah Ward (EVOLVE) / Joan Ffolliot (Ffolliot Design) “Deep Connection to the Earth, Art As Language”

“Who Is Believed and Who is Blamed” (Kavanaugh hearings), Khadijah Ward works at FAMILY of Woodstock as the program administrator for EVOLVE, a batterer’s intervention program, designer and artist Joan Ffolliot of Ffolliot Design, setting boundaries with clients.

#37 Tani Ikeda (#survivorloveletter ) / Kate Steciw (Multi-Media Artist) “Celebrating Survivors and Communicating Through Images”

RBG documentary is OUT!! Our first guest, Tani Ikeda, is an Emmy winning director who creates narratives, documentaries, music videos, and commercial films, and creator of #survivorloveletter. Our second guest, Kate Steciw, is an artist who works in sculpture, photography, video and image manipulation who explores the collision between representation and materialization

#36 Stephanie Monseu (Bindlestiff Family Cirkus ) / Ariana González Stokas (Inclusive Excellence, Bard College) “Cirkus Arts and Belief in the Common Good”

Revisit Anita Hill! Our first guest is Stephanie Monseu, co-founder of the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus and now new ring mistress of Big Apple Circus!!!
Our second guest is Ariana González Stokas. Ariana is Dean for Inclusive Excellence at Bard Collage and an educator in Latin American and Caribbean Philosophy

#35 Beth Bengtson (Working for Women) / Jem Violet (Trans Singer-Songwriter) “Women Supporting Women and Queer Life in Music”

We believe the women!!! Our first guest, Beth Bengtson founded “Working for Women” whose mission is to help women enter or stay in the workforce. Our second guest isJem Violet. She is a trans singer-songwriter / performer, and LGBTQ activist.

#34 Jessica Dupont (Half Moon Books) / Allison Braun (STDR Hobby Festival) “Books On My Shelf and Learning New Hobbies”

Nike! Emily’s List! PodSaveAmerica! And Our first guest Jessica Dupont of Half Moon Books started her company because she saw a for sale sign while waiting to pick up pizza for her family!! Years later she has a successful book store. Our second guest is Allison Braun, who started Smell the Damn Roses Festival, and whose modo is Adulting can wait until tomorrow.”

#33 Dr. Amy Novatt (Gynecologist) / Eryn Stutts (Pakt and Tuct) “Women’s Health and Food is Love”

Pap Smears, HPV, and IVF! BTW, our first guest is gynecologist Dr. Amy Novatt, activist for women’s health, “vote to change our healthcare”. Our second guest is Eryn Stutts of Pakt, a restaurant here in Kingston NY that hosts LGBTQ events and believes that food is love.

#32 Judy Linn (Patti Smith 1969-1976 : Photographs) / Jessica Vecchione (Smacked Documentary) “Photographs of the Imaginary Past”

Today we’re shouting out to Vote Save America, AND the NY Times podcast from last weekend, The Last "Year of the Woman".

Our first guest is Judy Linn, photographer and Vassar professor, best known for her book Patti Smith 1969-1976 : Photographs by Judy Linn. Judy talks about her relationship to photography which started out quite rocky and quickly becomes the thing that she needs to try and figure out leading her to a lifelong relationship with the art form, and a very successful career. Judy has had portfolios published in Artforum and BOMB magazine, and her photographs are included in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Detroit Art Institute, the Dallas Museum of Art, and the Getty Collection, among others. She has received an award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters and grants from the Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation, Anonymous Was A Woman, and the Peter S. Reed Foundation. Judy shares so honestly about her life and her unique perspectives including her belief that all photographs lie. She’s working on another book of photography taken in the early 70’s from her time in Detroit working for a local paper. Can’t wait for this…hint, bouffant hair and pointy collars.

Our second guest is Jessica Vecchione, videographer and documentarian. Her company is Vecc Videography, she’s been an accomplished videographer in the Hudson Valley for over 20 years. She recently released SMACKED, her new documentary film about the opiate crisis. This 69 minute film was her way of truly uncovering all that is happening with the police, the health care system, and those who struggle with the addiction. Jessica shares how she really broke through in film by making a documentary about the town of Fleischmans. She works with many nonprofits in the Hudson Valley and across New York State. Jessica’s advice to aspiring videographers/filmmakers, just do it, follow your passion, and be kind along the way

Self care! Be KIND!!! Move from the heart space. Don’t fall into the patriarchal trap of operating from the analytical mind.

Vote Save America: | NY Times Podcast "Year of the Woman:

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.
We heard music from Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/, and audio from the film, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry, http://www.shesbeautifulwhenshesangry.com

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#31 Tina Barry (The Virginia Project) / Carolina Soto (Life After Incarceration) “Telling the Untold Stories of Women”

Queen Aretha Franklin tribute and shout outs to Theresa’s mom! Our first guest is Tina Barry, writer and author of Mall Flower who has special art exhibit called The Virgina Project, a collab between Tina, her stories and 14 mostly Hudson Valley-based women artists. Our second guest, Carolina Soto, is a formerly incarcerated woman who now works to help other women re-enter after being incarcerated and to change the incarceration system as a whole.

#30 Lauree Ostrofsky (Simply Leap) / G.T. Thomas (Musician, Songwriter) “Tuning In and Following the Goosebumps”

This week’s Girl Talk gets us shouting out and celebrating full figures and then Shana talks about her upcoming tour. Watch out, it’s another HOT FLASH! Shana’s blowing off steam about those who preach negativity, and Theresa points us to Solutions Journalism as the answer to negativity and DRAMA. First guest, Lauree Ostrofsky, founder of Simply Leap and Hudson Valley Women in Business, author, coach and hugger joins us in the studio to share her amazing personal story of healing from a brain tumor and how that led her to transform her life and open Simply Leap, her coaching business and writing her memoir titled “I’m Scared and Doing It Anyway.” G.T. Thomas, musician and creative companion, thrives and finds her greatest success whenever she gets to create with others like former collaborators the Fleet Foxes, B52’S and Betty Seveert. She’s a joy and full of wisdom like, In other words, follow the goose bumps and forget the money. Take care of yourself and turn off your devices. Love your body and seek the joy and gratitude.

#29 Jacinta Bunnell (Girls Will Be Boys, Coloring Book) / Jenny Shulkin (Ooh LaLoom) “Coloring Outside the Lines, Weaving and Dying”

Today Shana and Theresa Girl Talk on the state of #metoo after tuning into 1A’s coverage of CBS’s handling of the allegations against Les Moonves and how corporations are preparing across the board for continued allegations to surface.

Jacinta Bunnell brightens the studio with her creativity and enthusiasm for her feelings. Jacinta is an artist, activist, author and co-founder of B.R.A.W.L. She shares how studying Philosophy helped to shape her ability to think critically and how that in conjunction with taking care of children helped her to see how important it is to feel safe to color outside the lines. Speaking of, she has 4 very important, Queer positive and gender bending, coloring books that are opening up the lines and the boxes that kids have historically found themselves in. She recently began supporting Planned Parenthood through her art activism where she helps young people create art telling their story about how Planned Parenthood has helped them. You can see all that goodness at iluvplannedparenthood on Instagram. Finally, if you need helping sifting through belongings and getting rid of what you no longer need, Jacinta is the Marie Condo of the Hudson Valley.

Jenny Shulkin of OoLaLoom joins us and talks about how she got into weaving and the intricacies of weaving and dying. How she is finding her way in her craft staying true to herself and the way she wants to be weaving, creating and learning and evolving the business side of her work, and how she stays motivated and pushes through or gives herself permission to stop when she wants to.

Self care today takes us backward, or forward, stuffed animals and how slowing down is important for everything to continue to exist, including YOU! Tune into the podcast Secret Feminist Agenda that Shana recommends if you want to learn more about the art of slow everything and how stuffed animals may save your health and your sanity. Theresa talks about mantra…again, and one of her favorite musicians, Erika Wennerstrom, and how her lyrics have been her mantra when times get tough. Erika has a new-ish album out that is all about self-love, yeah! Go and get it and watch those mantras running in your head.

Next week we welcome GT Thomas, musician and artist and Lauree Ostrofsky, Author, Career Coach, Hugger, Founder of Simply Leap, LLC and Hudson Valley Women in Business. Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another.



Jacinta Bunnell
http://hudsonvalleybrawl.com/ ,

Jenny Shulkin
https://www.facebook.com/jenny.shulkin.3?ref=br_rs ,




Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.
We heard music from Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/, and audio from the film, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry, http://www.shesbeautifulwhenshesangry.com

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to our pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND US 🙂

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