#28 Theresa’s Nieces (Roadtrippin) / Jamie Sanin (CelebrateWomxn845) “Being a Girl and Supporting Womxn”

Shana’s holding down the studio while Theresa is reporting in from Wisconsin. In Girl Talk, we talk about a new show idea of street interviews of hip grannies that Shana has affectionately dubbed "biddies." Which leads us to a shout out to Antonio from la Voz and his coverage of Grannies Respond and their caravan to the border at Texas to protest the government’s treatment of immigrants seeking asylum. Then Shana and Theresa take a trip down memory lane to talk about life as they remembered it as a 5th grader, what it means to be a cool kid, and the challenges of not feeling like one.

Intro to Theresa’s roadtrippin interview with her nieces Eva (9 years old) and Amelia (12 years old) which was recently recorded on a car trip where Theresa tries to get into the head of a young girl. They are big into Youtube, no surprise there, like to dance, play sports, do math, and go tubing.

Our in studio guest is Jamie Sanin, artist and educator who works for Orange County Arts Council and founded CelebrateWomxn845. Jamie shares her memories of being a 5th grader, how she was big into music and choir and how she continues to be an artist and create art to this day. She enjoys breaking down access and the resistance or fear of art from the viewers perspective. How CelebrateWomxn845 began and how it was consciously inclusive of womxn who also identify as.

Self care talk is all about forgiveness today. Both Shana and Theresa have been exploring forgiveness in their own lives and how it feels like a form of self care, so this will probably not be the end of the conversation. If you’re looking for support in helping yourself forgive someone else, or even yourself, here’s an initial resource that Theresa found which may be helpful to you.

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas from Radio Kingston, and we heard music from our very own Shana Falana. Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another!

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#27 Poet Gold (Poet Activist) / Anne Macy Hall (Artist/ Photographer) “What’s Your Dream?”

Girl Talking about monuments of women, #metoo and why women don’t report. Our first guest, Poet Gold, published writer, spoken word performance artist, poet, community “artivist,” Dutchess County Poet Laurette and active member of Arts Mid-Hudson and the Artist Action Network, joins us in the studio and shares her perspective on life, gratitude, praying, being inspired and uplifting others. Our second guest, Anne Macy Hall, artist and birder, talks about her journey through photography and art, making art from the female gay perspective to bring more of that into the general consciousness, and moving upstate to start Catskill Indigo. Self care brings us to our muses and self sabotage. Weeeeeeee.

#26 Tiziana Agnello (Love Thy Beast) / Jill Bressler (Graphic Designer) “Persevering, Taking Risks, and Knowing Yourself”

In this week’s Girl Talk, Shana and Theresa discuss the New York Public Library’s Podcast episode featuring Aja Monet interviewing Roxanne Gay and the documentary film, She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry. First guest, Tiziana Agnello, Stylist and Founder of sustainable pet accessory line, Love Thy Beast talks about how she made it in NYC starting out with $500. Second guest, Jill Bressler, Designer turned purpose-driven UX/UI creative shares how she started out in Journalism but realized quickly that creative work was her passion. Self care this week is all about minding our own business. Stop worrying about the other person, and just focus on you.

#25 Cal Patch (Crochet, Entrepeneur) / Hawley Hussie (HHArtLab) “Happiness and Freedom…that’s SUCCESS”

In this week’s Girl Talk, Shana shares a tip on a new podcast from Dana Falsetti, a self defined "fat" yoga teacher who’s podcast dives into confidence, authenticity, critical thinking, body justice, inclusivity and awareness. Theresa offers up another Morning Matcha podcast on emotional metabolism with Dr. Habib Sadeghi which she found helpful in better understanding the benefits of mindfulness and not collecting residual emotional build up from moment to moment.

HOT FLASH! Shana’s having a hot flash. She’s pissed. A woman who will remain unnamed is critical of 12 step programs, and Shana believes, it’s all hands on deck. We are in a crisis and these programs are helping people. Haters should just "shut up!"

Our first guest Cal Patch joins us in the studio to talk about moving through her dreams of becoming a designer and a shopkeeper to finding her happy place on a mini-farm in the Hudson Valley where she can crochet, sew, weave, make art, and teach her craft to those who want to learn. She’s written a book on pattern making which you can buy from your local bookstore, just ask them to order it for you. Find her in the Valley and beyond teaching and bring your maker self alive.

Hawley Hussey, artist, writer, occasional performer, a living room lounge singer, cold water swimmer, Coney Island Mermaid, educator and activist joins us in the studio to talk about how she’s created her current life affirming gig at the HHArtLab which is a contemporary art makers space where newly arrived immigrants and special needs children can deepen their personal art practice and build community. Hawley shares her values in life and how they help her make decisions about what to do and how to do it. She finishes up by serenading Shana and Theresa with her rendition of "God’s Plan" by Drake.

Tomorrow’s the New Moon, and Theresa shared Mystic Mamma’s beautiful words about loving our whole selves, that’s ALL the parts!

Stay tuned for next week’s show where we invite Tiziana Agnello, owner of Love Thy Beast, and Jill Bressler, Designer turned User Experience expert. Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another.

Dana Falsetti

Morning Matcha

Cal Patch

Hawley Hussey

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.
We heard music from Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/, Blossom Dearie, and WINGS audio clip!

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#24 Jen Shagawat (Shellshag, Starcleaners) “Freedoms and Staying True to Your Dreams Through it All”

It’s Independence Day, and today we’re Girl Talking about the meaning of independence for ourselves and for everyone. For those of you wanting to work on your own white privilege, check out Wild Mystic Woman on Instagram.

Shana and Theresa continue the conversation around eating habits and healing ourselves, freeing ourselves you might say from the emotional pull of food, and Shana shares from her journaling on her own personal beliefs. If you want support in this conversation around intuitive eating, tune into the Food Psych Podcast with Christy Harrison.

We also get to hear a fun and wild ride of an interview Shana did with her original "i want what SHE has" gal pal, Jen Shagawat, musician and producer, owner of Jewel Street Studio in Brooklyn, NY, drummer and singer for the band Shellshag, co-creator of Shellshonic Shag-O-Vision and owner of Starcleaner Records. Check out Jen’s doc on the band the Slits HERE! Whew…enjoy the show, and let’s work together to make sure all beings are safe, happy and free!

Next week’s guests are Cal Patch, maker extraordinaire and Theresa’s sewing guru, and Hawley Hussey, artist, writer, educator and activist. Until then, Love YOURSELF and uplift one another!!!

Wild Mystic Woman

Food Psych with Christy Harrison

Jen Shagawat

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.
We heard music from Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/

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#23 Shana’s Private Journal Entry / Mercedes Samuels (Singer Songwriter) “Intuitive Eating, Loving Yourself and Making Discipline Fun”

Today we switch things up and extend Girl Talk to go deep into Geneen Roth’s book, Women Food and God. Shana shares her personal story about her own relationship to food and dieting. After recently dipping back in to dieting after having believed she’d healed her relationship to food and herself, she opened herself up to learning more about the healing that she needs. We talked about the importance of being open to learning about ourselves and to compassionately witnessing ourselves, to listening to our bodies and to ignoring "The Voice" that tells us we’re not good enough, can’t have what we want or be who we want to be. To be continued next week when we dig into the emotional freedom of working through obsessive/compulsive behavior.

Next we hear Shana’s interview with Mercedes Samuels, a musician, who shares her beautiful wisdom, this woman is wise…right now she’s reading The Art of Loving and learning about making discipline fun and how to have better concentration.

Next week we hear Shana’s interview with Jen Shagawat from Shellshag and dip into FREEDOM! Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another.

Geneen Roth

Mercedes Samuels

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.
We heard music from Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/, Mercedes Samuels

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#22 Maiko Hata (Jazz Singer) / Rachel Brennecke (Photographer Bon Jane) “Saying No to Say YES! and letting go of PERFECTION”

In this week’s Girl Talk, Shana and Theresa talk about feeling insecure and how social media fuels this. Maiko Hata, jazz singer, joins us in the studio to talk about being a music therapist and the power of music to heal, how she finally chose to follow her heart and her desire to become a jazz singer, how she struggles with saying no in order to say yes to herself and how she maintains such a mindful and peaceful approach to life. Rachel Brennecke, aka Bon Jane, artist and photographer, talks about being a former model, how it validated her need to feel good about herself and then how she had to deal with the repercussions of the need to look perfect all the time, on leaving modeling and finding a mentor to get through art school, and finding value in herself and her art in a ever-changing world. Self care? Try out a cold shower! And act “as if.”

#21 Girls Inc (In Her Voice Podcast) / Alison Leiber (Quiver Music Licensing) “Girl Power and Being True to Yourself”

With Theresa calling in from her family visit in Wisconsin, she and Shana talk about what her nieces are up to, getting a feel on what it’s like to be a young girl in today’s world.

Theresa shares her interview with Maria Jansdotter Farr and Emma and Jordan, two New Paltz High School students, participating in the Girls Inc. program and their podcast In Her Voice which digs into the topics of Toxic Masculinity, Gender-based Violence and Conditioned Sexism.

Shana shares her interview with Alison Lieber of Quiver and (formerly Team Love) where the two discussed finding the dream job, what you give up along the way, staying connected with magic, and making hard decisions.

Next week we welcome Maiko Hata, Jazz singer and Rachel Brennecke, aka Bon Jane, photographer in to the studio. Until then, love yourself and uplift one another!

Girl’s Inc.

In Her Voice

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.
We heard music from Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/

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INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

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TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#20 Aja Hudson (Landscape Designer) / Emily Vail (Estuary Watershed) “Working Cooperatively and Protecting our Lands and Water”

This week’s Girl Talk digs into helping people be better and the amazing work being done at Radio Kingston. Our first guest Aja Hudson, Executive Director and landscape designer, talks about how she learned to prioritize life after cancer with a young daughter by building a worker cooperative and why it’s important for us to start moving towards the cooperative model of living and working. Emily Vail, Estuary Watershed Outreach Specialist at New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and swing dancer and teacher at [Uptown Swing][2], talks about her work studying streams and how this work helps connect the dots across many facets of where we live as she learned when studying the Tannery Brook in Kingston, NY. Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another!

#19 Susan Barnett (51%-NPR)/ Lindsey Mills (Surfer Blood) “Committing to Your Passion and Building Community”

During this week’s Girl Talk Shana drops some links to some fab feminist podcasts and Theresa vents about a leering police officer and her failure to respond more strongly to his inappropriateness. Our first guest Susan Barnett, writer and former host of 51%, The Women’s Perspective, joins us to talk about her life as a journalist and reporter and how she eventually gave it all up to work on her fiction. Our second guest, Lindsey Mills, touring musician, record label owner and community builder talks about growing up in Florida with parents who nurtured and supported her creative endeavors, what it’s like touring and how she keeps community back home. Self care takes you to the Moon!

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