314 Kendra Nicole “Peace & Profits” and Jessica Cingel “Reproductive Psychiatry”

In the first half of today’s show I welcome Kendra Nicole, the CEO of Kendra Nicole & The Finance Femme, and the creator of Scalable Firms and Peace & Profits. After graduating from Clemson University (Corporate Finance and Accounting), Kendra quickly moved up the corporate ladder while working for corporations such as GE. This work led her to pursue her love for small business strategy by founding The Finance Femme, an accounting and fractional CFO firm. Kendra also hosts an exclusive 6 month mentorship/coaching and retreat program called Peace & Profits. And her Scalable Firms program where she coaches other accounting and finance professionals on brand and business building. Kendra is a wife, mom, and podcast host.

Today Kendra talks about how to make time for what’s important, moving away from profits first, getting clear about what you really want, tending to your taxes year-round so that tax season isn’t such a burden, making a money date for yourself, and balancing work and parenting.


Joining me in the second half of the show is nurse practitioner Jessica Cingel. After working on an inpatient psychiatric unit and with adults with autism spectrum disorder, Jessica went back to school to pursue her passion for individualized care in pregnancy and reproductive health. As a certified nurse midwife, she’s had the honor of guiding individuals and families through life transitions, both joyous and difficult. During her eight years of midwifery practice, she became frustrated with the lack of mental health support available to her clients. Jessica decided that if these services weren’t available, she’d have to create them herself. She returned to school again and obtained licensure as a nurse practitioner in psychiatry. She created Kinship Health to offer help to individuals struggling to balance their mental and emotional health with the needs of their families, careers, and school.

Today Jessica introduces us to reproductive psychiatry, how perinatal mood and anxiety disorders manifest, how to identify them, and why it’s important to not ignore it. We also talk about some of the big picture issues around mental health like access to care, where the system is failing folks, cultural complexities, the insurance problems, and where the system is starting to get it right (there’s still much work needed though!).

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

313 Admiral Grey “The Human Dream Project”

Admiral Grey is a multidisciplinary artist and performer whose new work, The Human Dream Project, records people describing dreams they have had, and then illustrates the recordings using colorful, surreal puppetry and original music.A multimedia project that continues to expand, Admiral developed a hotline for the project so that people can call in their dreams 24 hours a day, and has plans to create dream phone booths around the world where people can call in from. She has also made stop motion videos illustrating dreams, as well as colorful and absurd ‘commercials’ for the hotline using live action, puppetry, and animation. The show has had workshop performances locally at Opus 40 and in New York City at St. Ann’s Warehouse, and is now preparing to launch its full length premiere at The Tank in Manhattan in April. The most ambitious Human Dream Project performance to date, the show will illustrate a wide variety of dreams, incorporate countless puppets and setpieces that she makes by hand, include a new score by sound designer and musical director Chad Raines, and will feature a new cast of incredible artists and performers, several of which are Kingston locals.

Today we learn about the conception of the Human Dream Project and why Admiral pours her loving energy into it. We also talk about art making, art as a spiritual practice, dreams, dreams as a shared human experience, the hard parts of being an artist and the rewards, and what Admiral does when she has some down time. Come to her Carnival Party THIS Saturday, February 24th from [7:30]-10:30pm at the Old Dutch Church in Kingston. It’s a fundraiser for her work. There’s a sliding scale entry and then get your tickets for games, food, raffle, and more. Proceeds go to support the Human Dream Project. If you can’t attend, please feel free to make your tax free donation to help make this work happen.

The Human Dream Project runs April 8-28 at The Tank in NYC. Get your tickets here!

Her are links to her Youtube, Instagram and Facebook.

Did I mention that Saturday morning is also a FULL MOON! So peep the wonder Friday and Saturday night. Come to my gong bath on Friday and go to the Dream Carnival on Saturday. Perrrfect timing! Here’s your Full Moon Astrology.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

312 Political Parties with Marielena Ferrer

This month’s installment of Spirituality and Politics dives into the subject of political parties. Are they still useful or not? Do we actually need them? Are they causing more harm than good? These are the questions Marielena and I wander through on the show with a little help from this article by Katherine Ellison. She’s pro political party with lots of reform, and I am feeling pessimistic and say they’ve got to go! What do you think??? Here are some more thoughts on the subject.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

311 Khara Croswaite Brindle “Ruptured Mother-Daughter Relationships”

Today on the show… Khara Croswaite Brindle is a licensed mental health therapist in private practice in in Denver, Colorado. She holds various roles, including financial therapist, TEDx Speaker, burnout consultant, author, and professor. Her new book is Understanding Ruptured Mother-Daughter Relationships: Guiding the Adult Daughter’s Healing Journey through the Estrangement Energy Cycle (Rowman & Littlefield, July 1, 2023). You can learn more and access a wealth of tools at estrangementenergycycle.com

With as many as 1 in 12 people being estranged from a family member, Khara shares her experience and knowledge gained assisting several female clients through the stages of estrangement. The choice is a challenging one and typically follows an emotional cycle that eventually lessens the grief and leads the adult daughter to discover a new sense of self. While each individual’s journey is unique, therapists, as well as those contemplating or trying to heal from estrangement, can benefit from recognizing the energy cycle of estrangement. Khara talks about the incorrect assumptions that are made about estrangement, the social stigma, how to support someone who is considering or going through estrangement, as well as how to support your children if you are going through the stages of estrangement.

PLUS! We have a little time to talk about burnout and how it became something that she now supports others through. A subject that is right up my alley as ending burnout is an antidote to the patriarchy!

I continue on once our conversations completes to share some info about the Mother Wound that I came across many years ago. It’s a fascinating read and contemplation for anyone out there as we’re all contributing to it by participating in the patriarchal structures and systems.

Here’s the information on the Campaign for Child Care happening in New York State. And here’s the article I mentioned about child care in The Cut.

Finally, here’s the New Moon report. Happy Lunar New Year!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

310 Imbolc, Archetypes and Writing

WOAH! Starting season 7!?!!!!!

Today’s show dives into the many benefits of handwriting. Hint: It clarifies thinking; improves understanding, memory, and application; and improves communication.



Then we pivot to a Imbolc/Candlemas discussion. If you’re local, you can join the Center for Symbolic Studies folks to celebrate this weekend.

I share from a favorite publication, We’Moon to expand the conversation on Imbolc.

In preparation for the Imbolc holiday, I pull three Archetype cards and discuss their meanings: The Ring, The Thread and Aletheia.

Inspired by a doc about the first ladies of hip hop, I play some music in their honor.

Finally, I conclude with my self-care diary. Still jogging, even if it’s super slow!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

309 Nancy Furstinger “Catskill Creatures”

Nancy Furstinger is the author of nearly 100 books, including many on her favorite topic: animals! She started her writing career in third grade, when her class performed a play she wrote while recovering from chicken pox. Since then, Nancy has been a feature writer for a daily newspaper, a managing editor of trade and consumer magazines, and an editor at two children’s book publishing houses. She shares her home and heart with her partner, big dogs, house rabbits, and a chinchilla (all rescued), and volunteers and fosters pets for several animal organizations. Nancy has been speaking up for animals since she learned to talk, and she hasn’t shut up yet! Please adopt, don’t shop.

She is the author of CATSKILL CREATURES, a lovely full color children’s book offering readers of all ages a fresh and informative introduction to the Catskill area’s native fauna. This book asks, are you curious about the amazing Catskill creatures sharing your back yard? Your wild neighbors star in nature’s outdoor theater, where exciting drama changes with the seasons. Catskill Creatures spotlights fifteen species of wildlife with intriguing facts and dramatic illustrations. Inside these pages you will discover: Who isn’t scared of the skunks stinky spray? What warty secret weapon protects toads? Where prime raccoon real estate is located? When black bears head into their winter dens? Why the little brown bat is nature’s original bug zapper?

A self proclaimed “animal nut,” Nancy shares heartfelt and inspiring stories of animals that she’s written about over the years. As someone who’s life is rooted in compassion, she gives us a glimpse into the local shelter scene and ways you can help take care of our animal friends. As a life long writer, our conversation also touches on how her career has evolved over the years and advice she has for aspiring writers.

She’ll be at the Poughkeepsie Children’s Book Festival on March 30th and loves visiting and reading at schools and libraries, so get in touch with her directly if you’d like her to visit you!

Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle
of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the
whole of nature in its beauty.

—Albert Einstein

Here’s this week’s Full Moon Report!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

308 Natalie Freihon “People Over Profits”

Natalie Freihon is the founder of Strange Bird Hospitality which currently encompasses The Orchard Townhouse, Nat’s on Bank, Nat’s on Bleecker and soon Nat’s Mountain House.  Freihon comes to this role with a wealth of experience in the industry, including: General Manager at restaurants Double Crown, Freemans, Peels, and Mercat; Director of Food and Beverage at Ace Hotel New York, overseeing The Breslin and John Dory; and General Manager at Soho House and Ludlow House, where she led the social club’s downtown debut. Originally from Los Angeles, Freihon holds a degree in Sociology from Columbia University. She lives in Greenwich Village with her husband Steve and daughter Bowie.

“I’ve been restauranting for quite some time. Throughout the growth of my career I saw far too frequently what wasn’t working and what I didn’t want in terms of being a hospitality group owner.”

That inspired her to want to make some changes and try to be the example.  It’s certainly been difficult since currently there’s no “guidebook” or structure in how to build a company in her vision, plus, well COVID. But! They’re getting there through consistent positive choices by putting people over profit.

Today on the show Natalie shares how she got to where she is, including what it was like being a successful woman in a male dominated industry. Plus she let’s us in on the newest of the family, a family friendly restaurant/bar/event space and new neighborhood hotspot in Tannersville. They are hosting a Hudson Valleys Movers and Shakers Party, January 18th from 5-7pm so that you all can check out what’s happening their and plan your events in this amazing and adaptable space. You can also reach her at natalie@strangebirdhospitality.com

In the second half of the show I talk about Caring Majority Rising, an organization that is also trying to put people first despite the roadblocks in our State government. They have a new bill they are trying to pass to talk the unnecessary and costly middleman out of long term health care, and they are having a training this week for those who want to put the pressure on your reps to pass this vital legislation. Here’s the article I read by Michael Solow explaining what all this is about.

And while I sight and call upon the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I do so cautiously acknowledging the points in this article, Codeswitch.

FINALLY, here’s the Astrology report for 2024.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

307 Spirituality and Politics with Marielena Ferrer “Preparing for 2024”

Getting prepared spiritually, politically and mentally for 2024! Using a planner, scheduling life, color coding, scheduling emotions, the conscious bath, receiving, prioiritizing, consciously choosing what makes up your life. It’s an election year, a year 8 and in the Major Arcana, the 8 is The Strength or The Justice, depending upon which structure you use. What does this mean for us? Also, Chinese Astrology – getting amped for the Power Crone phase, plus this week’s New Moon!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

306 “Musical Spells for 2024”

Happy New Year! Happy Birthday to my MOM!

It’s an 8 year… what does that mean for you? Today we’re casting some musical spells for 2024, imagining peace, love, community, togetherness and a dreamy year for everyone. You’ll need to find them on the playlist to enjoy

To inspire your thoughts and actions in 2024. Don’t Mope, Have Hope from NPR. Ways to inspire JOY!

Hope you all are blessed with your best year yet!

2024, to not keeping score!

Warren and I talk about resolutions before the show which is appended to the end for your listening pleasure.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

305 Alana Connelly “From Grief to Joy”

Alana Connelly has been an intuitive her whole life, and studying the healing arts for over 25 years. She struggled to find her way after her husband passed in his early 40’s. Watching someone you love more than life itself leave this world leaves an indescribable pain and loss. After allowing herself the time to feel the overwhelming sadness, she found herself in Bali in a yoga teacher training that didn’t go as planned, but it allowed her to reconnect with herself and eventually pursue a path of helping others by opening her own wellness center,  a non-profit bakery to support local women, and a women’s artisan co-op. While some projects failed, others succeeded but brought up questions about her life’s purpose, who she is, including a lot of self doubt and uncertainties. She found herself sitting with more hurt, anger, sadness and pain, but she knew it was the only way through. She’s now living a life that she enjoys and has found happiness again. As a registered vet tech for over 28 years, she’s now pursuing a PhD program in clinical psychology with a focus on mind, body and spirit with the hope that she will help others find the joy in life no matter what happens.

Today she shares about allowing herself to sit in the sadness, the hurt, and pain in order to really move through the grief, how a yoga teacher training changed her life and taught her about how the other side of fear is freedom. She’s living that freedom today despite life’s ups and downs, practicing letting go of expectations and loving herself unconditionally.

Alana recently contributed to a book titled Do More Stupid Things, a book that celebrates those who dare to live outside the lines. These stories will remind you that taking risks and self belief are the key ingredients to magic and miracles. It’s not easy to go against the grain, but as you’ll see in this book, it offers huge rewards for the brave ones willing to “do stupid things.”

Alana’s work can be found at http://www.wildrootsyogawellness.com and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/wildroots_wellness/

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

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