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capitalism – i want what SHE has

258 Amanda Cassiday “Engather – Building Resilient Communities”

It wasn’t until Amanda Cassiday (she/her) lived in a rural village in Burkina Faso that she experienced the resilient power of community, and learned that positive, abundant outcomes are not possible without cultivating the conditions that allow individuals, teams, and communities to thrive. For 15 years, this approach has been a driving force in Amanda’s personal and professional life, from facilitating a woman-led microfinance group in Takaledougou that continues to operate since 2009, to leading design teams responsible for some of the most successful launches in Johnson & Johnson’s history, bringing purpose and consumer needs to the heart of strategy & innovation. She is a maker, a student of permaculture, an advisor, coach, and facilitator to businesses, and most recently the co-founder of Engather which seeks to cultivate prosperous, resilient communities by activating local gift economies.

Our conversation weaves through her experiences and the wisdom that she’s gleaned through them including thoughts about how capitalism and our current economy is not taking care of the needs of the majority, the codependency inherent in capitalism and the patriarchy, how she was able to step away from the toxicity of capitalism and build community in Kingston, and how community interdependence and belonging is essential for our survival. Along those lines, she recommends the book Community by Peter Block as providing some answers to big questions on how to get community back on track.

You can find Amanda and her work in these places:

Engather: (sign up for local Kingston beta test by clicking the ‘Register Now” button at the bottom

Personal Professional website:


Happy Lunar New Year!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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#176 Mariaelena Ferrer “Spirituality and Politics”

Back at it for another round of deep thoughts and wild talks with Mariaelena.

The second Monday of the month is inspired by the book, Espiritualidad y Politica, which was published 10 years ago, of which Mariaelena was a contributor. She is also the Executive Director of Humanamente — a diversity and inclusion consulting organization, Chair of the Athena Network New York — a psychosocial support network in the area of social services, health, and specifically in mental health, for immigrants experiencing psychological challenges related to the migratory process, a board member of the Family of Woodstock, a member of the Arts Mid-Hudson Advisory Board, and Kingston’s City Arts Commission.

Today, we veer ever so slightly away from the book and into the realm of taxes and billionaires, inspired by the recent Propublica Article revealing how little they pay in proportion to their wealth. In addition to the article, our conversation is also inspired by the documentary film Saving Capitalism based on the book by Robert Reich.

Send us any and all thoughts, we love to hear them. Thank you to Anthony for sharing his thoughts from our May conversation!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#171 Marielena Ferrer-Harrington “Spirituality and Politics”

It’s the second Moonday of the month and that means, the return of Marielena Ferrer-Harrington! She was a contributor to the book Espiritualidad y Politica which was published 10 years ago, and she feels it’s time to start revisiting these subjects from today’s lens. Mariaelena is the Executive Director of Humanamente — a diversity and inclusion consulting organization, Chair of the Athena Network New York — a psychosocial support network in the area of social services, health, and specifically in mental health, for immigrants experiencing psychological challenges related to the migratory process, a board member of the Family of Woodstock, a member of the Arts Mid-Hudson Advisory Board, and Kingston’s City Arts Commission. You can listen to her previous interview from September of 2020 where we speak more about her life and her work, and here’s our first conversation about Spirituality and Politics.

The book contains essays from internationally recognized authors including Ken Wilber, Ervin Laszlo, and Tariq Ramadan as well as Spanish-speaking pundits such as Jordi Pigem and Vicente Merlo, “Espiritualidad y politica” offers global and local proposals for integrating a spiritual dimension in the political sphere and, concurrently, for infusing current spiritual movements with a practical component. Society’s relationship with money, cultural integration, sustainable development, and participation in public life are among the topics discussed in depth and with an actionable focus. The overarching message is that it is possible and necessary to marry the art of living (spirituality) with the art of coexisting (politics) to achieve peace.

Today we continue and expand upon the history and meaning of politics and spirituality, how they are related, why there connection is important and also Marielena explains how the Tarot is an important tool for her in understanding this subject as seen through the lens of the archetypes of the Major Arcana. We’d love for you to join in this conversation as it’s meant to support all of us through a deeper understanding of ourselves and one another.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#168 Silvia Federici “Scholar, Teacher, Author and Activist”

Silvia Federici is an Italian and American scholar, teacher, and activist from the radical autonomist feminist Marxist and anarchist tradition. She is a professor emerita and Teaching Fellow at Hofstra University, where she was a social science professor, and she has also worked as a teacher in Nigeria. She was co-founder of the International Feminist Collective, and an organizer with the wages for housework campaign. In 1973, she helped start Wages for Housework groups in the US. In 1975 she published Wages Against Housework, the book most commonly associated with the wages for housework movement. Silvia also co-founded the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa (CAFA), and was involved with the Midnight Notes Collective. In 1995, she co-founded the Radical Philosophy Association (RPA) anti-death penalty project. She is the author of several important texts including Caliban and the Witch, which we read and discussed during this past month of March. I am truly grateful for her generosity in time to be here with us on today’s show.

Following our reading of Caliban and the Witch, Rakel and I are honored to be able to continue the conversation with the one and only Silvia Federici. She shares generously her thoughts on why this book is still relevant today — because the events are still happening around the globe — and where the movement needs to go — grassroots organization and cooperation of activist groups to force the change to happen. There’s so much richness and value in this conversation. Let us know what you think!

Also super grateful to Rakel Stammer, who introduced me to Silvia’s work and steered the ship during today’s conversation. Here’s the link to Rakel’s art show, opening May 8, 2021, “(s)mother 2.0 care in (a time of) crisis.

P.S. Here’s the Facebook Livestream if you want to watch!

Oh, and here’s the doc Rakel mentioned, Harlan County.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radio Kingston, AND produced, hosted, and edited by ME, Theresa, so please forgive any hiccups.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#165 “Caliban and the Witch” Part 5 Book Discussion

Happy Women’s History Month! In collaboration with Women’s History Month Kingston, we bring the discussion of Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch to a close this week, diving into Chapter 5, “Colonization and Christianization.” We went way off text, but had a very meaningful (to me) discussion about some vitally important topics. Sassafras has copies of the book if you want to read and revisit this in more detail. Let us know if you do. We can keep the conversation going…

Here’s Carolita’s event, Goodbye to All That Book Re-Launch + Virtual Celebration, happening on April 13, 2021.

And here’s the link to Rakel’s art show, opening May 8, 2021, “(s)mother 2.0 care in (a time of) crisis.

And here’s New York Caring Majority. Show them some love, get involved/donate, if you want to be a part of the change towards a more equitable and compassionate world. Their work is an integral part of the solution!

Rakel Stammer is an artist and teacher who primarily works in painting and drawing, but also dabbles in sound, installation, collage, writing, photography, printmaking and performance. Her work has been published in several magazines, anthologies and journals across the world and she has exhibited in Denmark, Sweden and the U.S. She was on the show before, pre-COVID in October 2019, talking about her series “The C%#& (C-word) Drawings” completed during a residency at Deer Creek Collective. Rakel speaks publicly and writes about capitalism, art, trauma, dominance and violence, seen through an anti-capitalist, intersectional feminist lens!

Carolita Johnson is a cartoonist (The New Yorker magazine) and illustrator from NYC. She spent 13 years in Paris, France, after graduating from Parson’s School of Design with a degree in Fashion Design. In Paris, she earned a masters degree in Modern Letters and Linguistics, and got some (admittedly very idiosyncratic) chops in pre-doctoral Medieval Anthropology, which turned out to be her gateway drug to cartoons and illustration. She is also a writer, has appeared on HBO and NPR, performed in various esteemed settings, is an alumnus of the O+ Festival, and most recently added teaching via SUNY New Paltz to her list of accomplishments.

See you on MOON-days starting in April!!!

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken, host of Freedom Highway, AND produced, hosted, and edited by ME, Theresa, so please forgive any hiccups.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#164 “Caliban and the Witch” Part 4 Book Discussion

Happy Women’s History Month! In collaboration with Women’s History Month Kingston, we continue the discussion of Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch. This week we’re discussing Chapter 4, “The Great Witch-Hunt in Europe,” summed up here: “You are the true Hyenas, that allure us with the fairness of your skins and when folly has brought us within your reach, you leap upon us. You are the traitors of Wisdom, the impediment to Industry… the clogs to Virtue and the goads that drive us to all vices, impiety and ruin. You are the Fool’s Paradise, the wiseman’s Plague and the Grand Error of Nature.” Walter Charlton, Ephesian Matron, 1659. Lots to be said about this!!! Next week, we dive into Chapter 5, “Colonization and Christianization.” Let us know your thoughts and questions!

Who’s in this conversation?

Rakel Stammer is an artist and teacher who primarily works in painting and drawing, but also dabbles in sound, installation, collage, writing, photography, printmaking and performance. Her work has been published in several magazines, anthologies and journals across the world and she has exhibited in Denmark, Sweden and the U.S. She was on the show before, pre-COVID in October 2019, talking about her series “The C%#& (C-word) Drawings” completed during a residency at Deer Creek Collective. Rakel speaks publicly and writes about capitalism, art, trauma, dominance and violence, seen through an anti-capitalist, intersectional feminist lens!

Carolita Johnson is a cartoonist (The New Yorker magazine) and illustrator from NYC. She spent 13 years in Paris, France, after graduating from Parson’s School of Design with a degree in Fashion Design. In Paris, she earned a masters degree in Modern Letters and Linguistics, and got some (admittedly very idiosyncratic) chops in pre-doctoral Medieval Anthropology, which turned out to be her gateway drug to cartoons and illustration. She is also a writer, has appeared on HBO and NPR, performed in various esteemed settings, is an alumnus of the O+ Festival, and most recently added teaching via SUNY New Paltz to her list of accomplishments.

Feminist activism!!! Listen to and support the women of Ghana. Here’s their NPR story about being banished to the “witch camps.” Today we heard their songs, “Witch Song,” “Love,” “Hatred Drove Me From My Home,” and “We Are No Different Than You.”

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken, host of Freedom Highway, AND produced, hosted, and edited by ME, Theresa, so please forgive any hiccups.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#163 “Caliban and the Witch” Part 3 Book Discussion

Happy Women’s History Month! In collaboration with Women’s History Month Kingston, we continue the discussion of Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch. This week we’re discussing Chapter 3, “The Great Caliban:The Struggle Against the Rebel Body.” In Silvia Federici’s words, “[o]ne of the preconditions for capitalist development was the process that Michel Foucault defined as the ‘disciplining of the body,’ which in my view consisted of an attempt by state and church to transform the individual’s power into labor-power. This chapter examines how this process was conceived and mediated in the philosophical debates of the time, and the strategic interventions which it generated.” Lots of juicy stuff in this one folks! Next week, we dive into Chapter 4, “The Great Witch-Hunt in Europe.” Let us know your thoughts and questions!

Who’s in this conversation?

Rakel Stammer is an artist and teacher who primarily works in painting and drawing, but also dabbles in sound, installation, collage, writing, photography, printmaking and performance. Her work has been published in several magazines, anthologies and journals across the world and she has exhibited in Denmark, Sweden and the U.S. She was on the show before, pre-COVID in October 2019, talking about her series “The C%#& (C-word) Drawings” completed during a residency at Deer Creek Collective. Rakel speaks publicly and writes about capitalism, art, trauma, dominance and violence, seen through an anti-capitalist, intersectional feminist lens!

Carolita Johnson is a cartoonist (The New Yorker magazine) and illustrator from NYC. She spent 13 years in Paris, France, after graduating from Parson’s School of Design with a degree in Fashion Design. In Paris, she earned a masters degree in Modern Letters and Linguistics, and got some (admittedly very idiosyncratic) chops in pre-doctoral Medieval Anthropology, which turned out to be her gateway drug to cartoons and illustration. She is also a writer, has appeared on HBO and NPR, performed in various esteemed settings, is an alumnus of the O+ Festival, and most recently added teaching via SUNY New Paltz to her list of accomplishments.

Here’s the Podcast Beyond The Periphery: Reclaiming The Body Under Contemporary Capitalism w/ Silvia Federici that I referred to.

FEMINIST ACTION! Support NY Caring Majority’s efforts to increase the wages for home care workers. Call Senate and Assembly leadership and let them know that #FairPay4HomeCare is a win-win for all New Yorkers!…/1FAIpQLSfxBCAC…/viewform…

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken, host of Freedom Highway, AND produced, hosted, and edited by ME, Theresa, so please forgive any hiccups.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#162 “Caliban and the Witch” Part 2 Book Discussion

Happy Women’s History Month! In collaboration with Women’s History Month Kingston, we continue the discussion of Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch. This week we’re discussion Chapter 2, “The Accumulation of Labor and the Degradation of Women: Constructing ‘Difference’ in the ‘Transition to Capitalism'” and it’s myriad of topics including: Capitalist Accumulation and the Accumulation of Labor in Europe; Land Privatization in Europe, the Production of Scarcity and the Separation of Productions from Reproduction; The Price Revolution and the Pauperization of the European Working Class; The State Intervention in the Reproduction of Labor: Poor Relief, and the Criminalization of the Working Class; Population Decline, Economic Crisis, and the Disciplining of Women; The Devaluation of Women’s Labor; Women: The New Commons and the Substitute for the Lost Land; The Patriarchy of Wage; The Taming of Women and the Redefinition of Femininity and Masculinity: Women the Savages of Europe; Colonization, Globalization, and Women; Sex, Race and Class in the Colonies; Capitalism and the Sexual Division of Labor. Next week, we dive into Chapter 3, “The Great Caliban: The Struggle Against the Rebel Body.” Let us know your thoughts and questions!

Who’s in this conversation?

Rakel Stammer is an artist and teacher who primarily works in painting and drawing, but also dabbles in sound, installation, collage, writing, photography, printmaking and performance. Her work has been published in several magazines, anthologies and journals across the world and she has exhibited in Denmark, Sweden and the U.S. She was on the show before, pre-COVID in October 2019, talking about her series “The C%#& (C-word) Drawings” completed during a residency at Deer Creek Collective. Rakel speaks publicly and writes about capitalism, art, trauma, dominance and violence, seen through an anti-capitalist, intersectional feminist lens!

Carolita Johnson is a cartoonist (The New Yorker magazine) and illustrator from NYC. She spent 13 years in Paris, France, after graduating from Parson’s School of Design with a degree in Fashion Design. In Paris, she earned a masters degree in Modern Letters and Linguistics, and got some (admittedly very idiosyncratic) chops in pre-doctoral Medieval Anthropology, which turned out to be her gateway drug to cartoons and illustration. She is also a writer, has appeared on HBO and NPR, performed in various esteemed settings, is an alumnus of the O+ Festival, and most recently added teaching via SUNY New Paltz to her list of accomplishments.

FEMINIST ACTION! Support NY Caring Majority’s efforts to increase the wages for home care workers. Call Senate and Assembly leadership and let them know that #FairPay4HomeCare is a win-win for all New Yorkers! Let us know once you make the call here:…/1FAIpQLSfxBCAC…/viewform…

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, (518) 455-2585

Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie, (518) 455-3791

SCRIPT: Hello, my name is [YOUR NAME]. I’m calling to urge [THEIR NAME] to include Fair Pay 4 Home Care in this year’s one-house budget and ensure that home care workers receive a wage of at least 150% of the minimum wage. Because of the current low pay, New York is the center of a workforce shortage in this sector, with even more home care workers leaving the workforce in droves right when we need them most. This is forcing many seniors and people with disabilities to live in nursing homes instead of receiving their services at home. Assemblymember Dick Gottfried and Senator Rachel May are sponsoring this budget priority, and the bill number is S5374. Will you include Fair Pay 4 Home Care in the one-house budget?

Theresa and Ana’s New Moon Virtual Circle “Triple Goddess: Maiden, Mother Crone” – Saturday, March 13th 7-9pm

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken, host of Freedom Highway, AND produced, hosted, and edited by ME, Theresa, so please forgive any hiccups.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

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#161 “Caliban and the Witch” Part 1 Book Discussion

Happy Women’s History Month! In collaboration with Women’s History Month Kingston, we begin the discussion of Silvia Federici’s Caliban and the Witch. This week we’re discussion section one, “All the World Needs a Jolt,” and it’s myriad of topics including “Serfdom as a Class Relation,” “The Struggle on the Commons,” “Liberty and Social Division,” “The Heretical Movements,” “The Politicization of Sexuality,” “The Black Death and the Labor Crisis,” and the rise of the State to counter the peasants revolution. Next week, we dive into part 2, “The Accumulation of Labor and the Degradation of Women: Constructing “Difference” in “Transition to Capitalism.” Let us know your thoughts and questions!

Who’s in this conversation?

Rakel Stammer is an artist and teacher who primarily works in painting and drawing, but also dabbles in sound, installation, collage, writing, photography, printmaking and performance. Her work has been published in several magazines, anthologies and journals across the world and she has exhibited in Denmark, Sweden and the U.S. She was on the show before, pre-COVID in October 2019, talking about her series “The C%#& (C-word) Drawings” completed during a residency at Deer Creek Collective. Rakel speaks publicly and writes about capitalism, art, trauma, dominance and violence, seen through an anti-capitalist, intersectional feminist lens!

Carolita Johnson is a cartoonist (The New Yorker magazine) and illustrator from NYC. She spent 13 years in Paris, France, after graduating from Parson’s School of Design with a degree in Fashion Design. In Paris, she earned a masters degree in Modern Letters and Linguistics, and got some (admittedly very idiosyncratic) chops in pre-doctoral Medieval Anthropology, which turned out to be her gateway drug to cartoons and illustration. She is also a writer, has appeared on HBO and NPR, performed in various esteemed settings, is an alumnus of the O+ Festival, and most recently added teaching via SUNY New Paltz to her list of accomplishments.

Today’s show was engineered by Nick Panken, host of Freedom Highway, AND produced, hosted, and edited by ME, Theresa, so please forgive any hiccups.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello:

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT









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