358 Debbie Lan “Singer, Songwriter, Community Choir Director”

Originally from Cape Town, South Africa and now living in upstate NY, Debbie Lan is a Musician, Singer, Choral Director, vocal arranger and award winning songwriter.

Debbie has entertained audiences as a solo artist, with various bands and Playback Theater companies, written 2 musicals which premiered at The Rosendale Theater in Rosendale New York, and has taught music and singing to children 18 months through 8th grade.

Now in its 17th year, Debbie founded, directs and arranges songs for Bloom, a 50 voice ensemble, as well as The B2s, Perennial and The Resisterhood Community Choir.  The ensembles have performed at many local venues singing an eclectic mix of uplifting and joyful songs.

Debbie also founded Songclub, a drop-in singing experience, that builds community community through singing original arrangements of familiar songs in a safe and welcoming environment. The audience is the choir!

Debbie is passionate about building community through facilitating joyful and fulfilling group singing experiences for all voices.

Today she shares her path to the States and how her music career has evolved over the years from singer/songwriter, to member of a band, music teacher, ensemble leader, kids music bandleader and returning again to her singer/songwriter roots. She’s one who follows what inspires her which has served her exceptionally well, finding fulfilling work as well as her role in enriching our community. You can learn about the various ensembles that she leads, how you can join, and hear some of her original music on today’s show.

And here are a few links related to Debbie and her work, Grenadilla, YouTube, Instagram.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

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ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2



INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

#198 June Millington “From Fanny to Institute for Musical Arts”

Today I have the ultimate honor to share my conversation with June Millington, a Filipino American guitarist, songwriter, producer, educator, actress and writer. She was the co-founder and lead guitarist of the all-female rock band Fanny, which was active from 1970 to 1974. After leaving the band, June went in pursuit of her spiritual path, continued to make music, collaborate, act, write and is the co-founder and artistic director of the Institute for the Musical Arts (IMA) aka the “Magical Queendom” in Goshen, Massachusetts.

The Institute for the Musical Arts was co-founded with partner Ann Hackler in Northern California in 1986 and received its nonprofit status in 1987.  It operated its studio and programs from Bodega, California’s historic Old Creamery until 2001 when property was purchased in Western Massachusetts for a permanent facility. The institute’s nonprofit mission is to support women and girls in music and music-related businesses.  Rooted in the legacy of progressive equal rights movements, IMA’s development is guided by the visions, needs and concerns of women from a diversity of backgrounds and has grown from the need to nourish ourselves and each other. In addition to its summer programs for girls, IMA offers concerts and workshops year-round in support of its nonprofit mission which, unless otherwise noted, are open to the public.

Today June shares about how they are supporting girls at IMA, leaving Fanny, feminism, foremothers, Buddhism, cancer, life lessons and what’s she’s got on the horizon.

Here are the important links for you! IMA and their Summer Programs. Memoir, Land of a Thousand Bridges. And if you want more of the  Fanny story, you can check out where to stream Fanny: The Right to Rock.

You can support IMA by joining in their upcoming November 20th and 27th events, both of which will be livestreamed! And stay tuned for June’s upcoming release, “Snapshots.”

You can check out June’s TEDxTalk, “Rocking the Boat: How Playing Like a Girl Can Change the World.”

Linking here also to Ann Hackler’s TEDx Talk, “Leading from the Kitchen.”

And finally the Go Fund Me for Jean Millington, June’s sister.

Here’s the Full Moon report I read from!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#186 Jayla Kai “Debut EP Epitome”

Jayla Kai grew up in Woodstock, a town synonymous with the pureness of music. It evokes a togetherness where the community has each other’s back and the culture is almost symptomatic of its people (Dylan, Bowie, Van Morrison, Levon Helm). Kai cites a handful of local musicians who have served as key mentors to her. Kieran Hebden (Four Tet), is one of these key mentors who has inspired and encouraged her. Kai’s Debut EP, Epitome, is out now following the release of her crunching single Apple Tree and Kai’s introductory track, I Can’t Lie. As far as opening bows go, Epitome EP is as confident as you’ll hear. It’s the sound of an artist quickly in-tune with her writing and finding a distinct voice that is completely her own. The songs she shares here are sharp, literate, and expressive on an EP that zips and shuffles; all melody and poetry. Epitome is a bold statement of intent. Listen to “Epitome” by Jayla Kai here: https://awal.ffm.to/epitome

On today’s show she shares about finding her creative instinctive voice, the making of her debut EP, making music, performing and staying authentic as life and career evolves. We heard the songs, Paperread, Apple Tree, and I Can’t Lie from “Epitome.”

Here’s where to learn more about The Hoot!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

#94 “One Woman Bands and Accountability Buddies” G.T. Thomas and Catriona Sturton

So excited today that I got to welcome back G.T. Thomas (https://www.instagram.com/gtthomasmusicandart/) who was Shana’s special guest on show No.30 from August 15th, 2018. Gwen is an Amsterdam-based simultstrumentalist (not sure if that’s how you spell that fancy word) who’s taken revelations from her journals and transformed them into catchy refrains for her latest Progressive Dream Pop album, “I Am a Highlighter Pen.” She performs as a one-woman-band on vocals, bass, synth & drum machine simultaneously – all LIVE (no computer/ backing tracks/ loopers), proving that even having collaborated with Fleet Foxes, The Metropole Orchestra, Benny Sings, and members of The B-52s, Steely Dan, and Pedro the Lion, she’s never lost her love of doing everything herself.

Catriona Sturton (https://www.instagram.com/catrionasturton/) is Canadian multi-instrumentalist and songwriter. She used to be in a band in the ’90s called Plumtree (which had the hit “Scott Pilgrim” that inspired the graphic novel and movie by the same name). She’s toured with Italian harmonica wizards, played in a Hiroshima-based garage rock band, was a guest on The Price is Right, and has been to more places in remote Canada than most people ever get to. Nowadays, she’s a totally unique, industrious harmonica playing/violinist/guitarist/singing one-woman-band, under her own name.

They met through a clutter-clearing course online, where they were partnered up by the head coach, to be accountability buddies for that process. Through that, they learned of each other’s music, and when the course officially ended, they decided apply the tools they learned for “accountability buddy-ing” to their music careers! Now their on a mini tour together and stopped by to share a little about the juice in the journaling process that led to Gwen’s latest album, how Catriona picked up the harmonica when she was young and hung around a lot of blues dudes to learn tricks of the reeds, how and why they committed to themselves and their heart’s desires, and decluttering. They both played some tunes. We laughed. I cried. Wisdom was shared and lessons were learned by me, about the Book of Lift, “athletic greens,” and a slew of podcasts that I should tune into. One of my fave quotes of the show, and there were many, “Being unified with your desires is one of the most noblest things you can do.” G.T. Thomas. Now as Catriona might say, go and be somebody’s “love bomb.”

Gwen’s album release is Nov. 7th at the Iron Horse in Northampton, MA, then they are both playing Nov. 12th at Pete’s Candy Store in Brooklyn, Nov. 16th in Princeton, NJ at Princeton Record Exchange and Small World Coffee, and Nov. 17th at a house show in Harrisonburg, VA, yeah Virginia! You can find tour details here!

Today’s show was engineered by Maddy Bogner of Radio Kingston, http://www.radiokingston.org.

We heard music from our fave, Shana Falana, http://www.shanafalana.com/ and from both of today’s guests!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845)481-3429

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ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

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