#58 Coaching Women (Blair Glaser / Rebecca Wong / Lauree Ostrofsky) “Leadership, Connection and Holding Space for Growth”

Girl Talk on White Supremacy. And our 3 guests today share their thoughts on how women do business and life differently. We talk about how they help their clients identify their goals and stay committed to them and how they help them identify and overcome fear. These women are amazing and walk the walk of what they teach others.

#57 Rita Bolla-Lapinel (Artist, The Book of Persistence ) / Kristin Olson-Huddle (Infertility, Going On ) “Art, Healing and Persisting Through Infertility”

Shana signs to a new label, taking your power back and “The Four Agreements!” Our first guest is Rita Bolla-Lapinel, a Hungarian-born artist, rape survivor and fertility conquerer who shares about her persistence. Our second guest is Kristin Olsen-Huddle, mother of twins after struggling with infertility. She’s sober, a writer, a performer and a true inspiration.

#56 Megan Offner (NY Heartwoods) / Erica Chase-Salerno (Thank You Cancer) “Living and Dying On Your Own Terms”

Hello to you, and happy Feb 13th, the day before Valentines Day, which we like to think of as ‘self-love day.’ Yes, Girl Talk is about Valentine’s Day, but not in the way you THINK we’re going to talk about it. Theresa had a One Billion Rising event this last weekend, which not only raised money for survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, but also the one and only Eve Ensler came and married everyone to themself. Eeeee! You can watch the video of the event speakers HERE. If you want ALL the vows, send us an email.

Our first guest today is Megan Offner of New York Heart Woods. Her company consciously produces lumber, live-edge slabs, furniture and retail displays from fallen and urban Hudson Valley trees. Yet another amazingly creative person coming from Brooklyn, creating a life out of the world of set design and DJ’ing in the city. Yes she was raised in Missoula MT, yes she renovated a crack house in Ocean Hill Brooklyn, yes she researched green building materials, yes she invested in her own education… started her own business in Brooklyn and moved up to the Hudson Valley. Heck YES! She’s been clear from the beginning to stay true to her passions and principles. She learned through some ups and downs, a bout with skin cancer and an awareness of the roles the masculine versus the feminine has played in her life to also stay true to her own needs. She’s a true model for how we can all both live and work sustainably not only for ourselves but for our world.

Our second guest today is Shana’s dear friend Erica Chase-Salerno. Erica is a force, a healer, a writer, a mother, a lover of life and connection. She gifted her community and family with a dynamic and diverse view of the world, working with new mothers with Wyld Acres Healing Arts & Prenatal Communication, working with families as an intuitive, homeschooling her own kids, and always exploring creative projects, outings and activities. It’s no wonder that her own backyard labyrinth inspired a dedication to her at The Forsyth Nature Center. Prepare yourselves, Erica talks about the GIFT of Cancer, the CAN in cancer, each new chapter a gift. Ever since we (her friends and family) learned about her cancer, we were not aloud to use certain language. We were instructed to lose the ‘fight cancer’ lingo, the ‘I’m so sorry for you’ offerings, instead we were all encouraged to join her in her wonder and joy, her excitement and her desire to share every detail of her experiencing this part of her LIFE.  Shana knew that Erica would be down to do an interview to share her story with us one last time, so she sat with her bedside, wheeling the breathing machine into the hallways (although you can still hear it).  The entire interview  (one hour and 40 minutes) is available to all who what it, you can email: she@iwantwhatshehas.org. It is meant to offer you a positive story of death, dying, cancer, and what it’s like to do the ultimate transition with grace and joy. Erica passed away 6 days after this interview, Feb 7th, 2019.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Erica’s loving memory to her children’s education fund by mailing checks made payable to Michael Chase-Salerno to PO Box 300, Modena, NY 12548. Write “education” in the memo. Online tributes and remembrances may be posted at https://erica.chasal.net.

You can read her obituary HERE.

Her TMI reading starts us off and you can watch that HERE.

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas from Radio Kingston. We heard audio from Ashley Knox from this past weekend’s 1st Annual Sojourner Truth Walk, and music from our one and only Shana Falana. Until next week, love yourself and uplift one another.

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#55 Women in Small Town Business (Jen Donovan, Maria Philippis, Elenie Loizou) “Wishing the Competition Success”

Not wishing our enemies to fail. Women doing business differently. Embracing competition and building family at work. Those are the topics we dig into today with our guests, Jen Donovan, Maria Phillipis and Elenie Loizou. They are three successful business women in a thriving smallish town in Kingston, NY. How do they do what they do, balancing work with children and sneaking in naps on the regular? Tune in to find out!

#54 Lea Garnier (Sage Academy of Sound Energy) / Dee Solin (Magic Palette) “The Magic of Sound and Color”

Girl Talk is an exciting frenzy of us gushing about our progress in getting the Podcast ready…and here she is!!! We also should out the film “No Choice” by Bill Moyers…check it. Our first guest is Lea Garnier of Sage Academy of Sound Healing who shares about her journey into and through sound healing, shamanism, the feminine and the magic of accidents. Our second guest is Dee Solin, award winning American Abstract Color Painter, known for her MAGIC PALLETTE, who shares about the importance of staying positive, moving forward by separating emotion from the goal and working with her mantra, focus and clarity. Self care is New Moon astrology via Theresa and the interwebs.

#53 ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHOW (w. Beetle, Freedom Walker and Julie Novak) “SEASON TWO, it’s All About the LOVE”

It’s our FIRST show of SEASON TWO!!!! We can hardly believe it ourselves. In Girl Talk we gush a bit about all that, catch up on the women’s march happenings and give props to an important suffragist, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Today we mix things up from our Season One format and invite three fabulous humans to be our guests for a buzz session of sorts where we muck it up over things like comedy, love, fear, stage fright, overcoming, public speaking, queerness and more. Joining us are Julie Novak, Beetle and FreedomWalker, three people you really need to know. We promise!

#52 Marcina Hale (Disturbing the Peace Doc) / Molly Hamilton (Widowspeak) “Transforming and Reconnecting”

Girl Talking about the Women’s March, the controversy surrounding the 2019 marches and how or why to show up. Our first guest is Marcina Hale who’s changing the way we live and work through conflict together as a community through her work at Reconsider, an organization that sparks innovation, encouraging creativity, and forms community to make our world more compassionate and connected. Our second guest, Molly Hamilton of the band Widowspeak talks about her rise to fame and how that led to a slowing down and a reconnection to her art and music in a more authentic way. Self care touches on asking in order to receive and how cooking is a powerful form of self care.

#51 Jennifer Dignon (Heart Child Yoga) / Lara Hope (Lara Hope and the Ark-Tone) / “The Benefit of Presence and Magical Gifts from the Universe”

Girl Talk get’s cute with an audio recording of Shana and Mike singing Theresa “Happy Birthday.” Haha… Love celebrating Theresa. Then we go deep into the subject of doubt and whether it’s useful or not and how to move past it. What are your thoughts? Our first guest today is Jennifer Dignon of [Heart Child Yoga][1]. She is a yoga teacher and therapist here in the Hudson Valley, working mostly with kids and kids with special needs. The secret to her success, listening to the children. Our second guest today is Lara Hope, a local Hudson Valley touring musician. Her band is [Lara Hope and the Ark-Tones][2].They just got back from a whirlwind tour opening for Brian Setzer of the band The Stray Cats. Lara shares about her growing success, hard work ethic, her ability to keep moving forward, and how getting the booking agent of her dreams who focuses on roots music was the missing piece of the puzzle. Self Care…cake! Well, it’s Theresa’s birthday, but yes, we do also talk about what Lara does for self care and the benefits of journaling.

#50 Meghan Don (The New Divine Feminine) Elly Swope (Recording Engineer, Destination Universe) “Finding the Feminine and Loving the Process”

Girl Talking about New Years and what it means to us or does not! Our first guest, Meghan Don, is an Award-Winning Author, Multi-Faith Minister, and an Initiate of the Sophian Lineage. She has worked extensively with the Christian mystics, the Kabbalistic teachings, and Jungian psychology. She is renowned for her work in helping to raise the feminine consciousness and confidence in our world and shares her thoughts on the 7 faces of the Divine Feminine. Our second guest, Elly Swope, is a recording engineer from Portland Oregon. She is a multi-instrumentalist, self taught guitarist and professional drummer. She shares about life after a 5 year relationship and her band ended simultaneously. Taking sometime to reflect and think about what she loves and what inspires her creatively, her answer was making her own music and recording bands. Self Care dives into depression, trust and the fire energy of 2019!

#49 Bel Downey (Screenwriter) / Tracey Helton (The Big Fix: Hope After Heroin) “Finding Your Community and Saving Lives”

Holiday season, podcast recommendations, Belinda Downey is a screenwriter and is writing more female leads, and Tracey Helton, author of Hope After Heroin, she is a recovery activist and has saved over 300 lives by mailing out narcan all over the world.

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