261 Spirituality, Politics and Self Love with Marielena Ferrer

On this month’s installment of Spirituality and Politics, Marielena and I discuss the latest big media campaign for Jesus, “He Gets Us.” We share our thoughts on the goals of this campaign and what it might mean for Christianity. Is this a good thing? Will it really begin to behave like Jesus, and love thy neighbor? Naturally this leads us to talk about cults, but in a productive way, I hope. We talk about the points from this New Yorker article about how people find themselves in high demand groups and why it’s hard to leave. How invested are we in our beliefs? What do we sacrifice by not allowing them to evolve with us? Somehow we got on the subject of Madonna and ageism which in a way relates to our final conversation on self love. We leave you with a self love, Valentine’s Day, challenge to look yourself in the mirror and say, “I love you.” Can you do it fully naked in front of a body mirror? That’s some powerful self love!

Plus, Warren and Manuel share top influential women in history. Can you do better than me at guessing them?

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


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INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

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256 Spirituality and Politics – The New Year Birthday Show

It’s that time of the month! Marielena Ferrer returns for another conversation diving into politics and spirituality. Today on the show we talk about how we’re starting out the New Year and how our relationship to TIME has an impact on how we make decisions in life. We also set the tone for our talks on politics, explaining where we’re at and check in on our current feelings about the state of political affairs in the US. Today also happens to be my BIRTHDAY so Marielena kindly indulges me in a little Tarot Reading inspired by my personal new year.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

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248 Spirituality and Politics and Racism -AGAIN- with Marielena Ferrer

Today we begin by sharing and discussing Nikki Fogerty’s weekly Tarot report.

Then we’re off to the races talking about racism, what it means, why it happens and what we think about how to resolve our country’s racist problems. Marielena talks about what motivates people and how this affects their overall behavior including stereotyping and controlling others. This conversation was prompted by the political problems in LA with racist speech.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845) 481-3429

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

236 “Politics and Spirituality” with Marielena Ferrer and Mya Bailey

Today, Marielena steers the ship and is joined by artist and art historian/historian Mya Bailey for this month’s installment of Politics and Spirituality. Theresa and baby Aiden do make a guest appearance. Today’s conversation approaches reproductive freedom from the perspective of justice and equity and where it’s lacking in the health care system. Mya has focused much of her art on the idea of race and how it’s both impacted her internally as well as externally. Marielena brings themes from this recent NY Time’s Article to the conversation, and we learn about Mya’s artwork placement in the Yale University’s Art and Art History journal @asteriskjournal.

You can find Marielena engaged in the an/aesthetics @rosekill.art.farm opening Sunday August 14, 6-9pm. 177 Binnewater Road.

The show at this location will change and evolve over the next 10 months. Please follow @anaesthetics_rosekill to track this experimental outdoor exhibition.

As an/aesthetics suggests, we sought projects that reimagine collective assumptions about the aesthetically acceptable. For example, how might new paradigms emerge with mutuality and reciprocity, inclusivity, regeneration, imperfection, entanglement, slowness and authenticity? Can we create space for bodily intelligence, the imperceptible, irregularity, playfulness and nonsense?

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radiokingston.org.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845) 481-3429

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

232 “Spirituality and Politics” with Marielena Ferrer – Separation of Church and State

It’s the second Mo(o)nday of the Month and that means the return of Marielena to talk Spirituality and Politics. Marielena Ferrer is a socially engaged visual artist who serves as the chair of the Kingston City Arts  Commission. She also chairs the Alianza Cultural de Kingston, an advisory board for the promotion,  connection and celebration of the arts and cultures of the diverse Hispanic communities, and is the Executive Director of Humanamente, a diversity and inclusion consulting organization. 

Today we talk about the separation of Church and State, or the lack thereof.

Her upcoming artist residency with interactive art making is running from July 15-August 20 at WAAM and then she’ll be exhibiting August 20–September 11.

Artist Marielena Ferrer will have a six-week residency and interactive project from July 15–August 20 in the YES gallery, which Ferrer will use as a studio space. Ferrer will lead a series of 30-minute workshops that invite visitors to engage in collective artmaking. While creating paper butterflies with the artist, visitors will discuss the ideas that Ferrer’s work probes, including the monarch butterfly migration quest, its symbolic connection to migrant children at the U.S.-Mexican border, the Trump-Pence administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy and the negative consequences of the policy on the health and well-being of immigrant and U.S. citizens alike. A subsequent installation of the artist’s paper butterflies will be on view from August–September 11 in the same gallery.

PUBLIC PROGRAMS Opening Reception Saturday, July 16, 4-6pm WAAM will host an opening reception to celebrate the beginning of the artist residency and a new round of exhibitions throughout WAAM’s galleries.

Artist Talk Saturday, August 20th, 3-4pm Marielena Ferrer will discuss her work and residency in a roundtable conversation.

WORKSHOPS A series of workshops with Marielena Ferrer will be offered on a drop-in basis throughout WAAM’s open hours during the designated weekends below. Workshops are free, designed for people of all ages, and no reservations are required.

Saturday, July 16, 4-6pm Opening Weekend: To begin her residency at WAAM, Ferrer will invite visitors to come to the YES gallery and learn about her process and project.

Friday, July 22–Sunday, July 24, 12-5pm Upstate Art Weekend Throughout Upstate Art Weekend, which celebrates the cultural vibrancy of upstate New York, Ferrer will lead 30-minute workshops in which visitors learn to create paper butterflies. Visitors will also have the opportunity to chat with Ferrer and discuss the conceptual underpinnings of her work.

Saturday, July 30, 12-5pm Focus on Families Visitors will learn about butterfly migration and make butterflies for the WAAM installation. Drawing materials will also be available for kids and families to draw and explore WAAM exhibitions.

Saturday, August 6, 12-5pm Installation Day The full exhibition of Ferrer’s butterflies will be installed in the YES gallery, as visitors are invited to join the artist in exploring human and animal migration and the importance of art and activism.

Here’s the article we discussed about religion in the government.

YWCA’s Women Who Roar for the Y Gala.

Here’s Voice Theatre’s Summer Youth Workshop info. Registration closes July 20th but could fill up before then. Scholarships are available too!

Here’s the Full Moon Report from Tanaaz at Forever Conscious.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845) 481-3429

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas


228 “Spirituality and Politics and the Second Amendment” with Marielena Ferrer

It’s the second Monday of the month and you know what that means, “Spirituality and Politics” with Marielena Ferrer. She’s joining us from Scotland today so we hear a bit about her trip and some of what she’s observing related to the culture of spirituality and politics on the island of Lewis and Harris. Then we dig into the conversations we’ve been having and the thoughts we’ve been thinking related to the 2nd Amendment and gun regulations, and of course we end with a little moon talk considering the alignment of the Full Strawberry Supermoon. You can read the whole report referenced here.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

223 “The Birth Show” with Marielena Ferrer

On this month’s installment of Politics and Spirituality with Marielena Ferrer we go deep into birth and the many facets of this conversation including; immaculate conception, unwanted pregnancies, and rebirths.

Here’s the NPR article we referenced, and here’s Tanaaz’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse report.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

219 Sacred Activism and Emergent Leadership with Marielena Ferrer

Back at it for another round of deep thoughts and wild talks with Mariaelena Ferrer.

The second Monday of the month is inspired by the book, Espiritualidad y Politica, which was published 11 years ago, of which Mariaelena was a contributor. She is also the Executive Director of Humanamente — a diversity and inclusion consulting organization, Chair of the Athena Network New York — a psychosocial support network in the area of social services, health, and specifically in mental health, for immigrants experiencing psychological challenges related to the migratory process, a board member of the Family of Woodstock, a member of the Arts Mid-Hudson Advisory Board, and Kingston’s City Arts Commission.

Today, we veer ever so slightly away from the book to discuss this article about bridging the divide between political groups. Then we return to the book to discuss the themes of sacred activism, emergent leadership and the shadow. We end the show with the upcoming Full Moon report on the intriguing Eris.

Join Marielena for her art opening, Broken Monarchs, at The Dorsky Museum on May 6th from 5-7pm.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

215 Marielena Ferrer “War Through the Lens of the Tarot”

Back at it for another round of deep thoughts and wild talks with Mariaelena.

The second Monday of the month is inspired by the book, Espiritualidad y Politica, which was published 10 years ago, of which Mariaelena was a contributor. She is also the Executive Director of Humanamente — a diversity and inclusion consulting organization, Chair of the Athena Network New York — a psychosocial support network in the area of social services, health, and specifically in mental health, for immigrants experiencing psychological challenges related to the migratory process, a board member of the Family of Woodstock, a member of the Arts Mid-Hudson Advisory Board, and Kingston’s City Arts Commission.

March 14th is National Learn About Butterflies Day, and because Marielena has been working on an art installation involving 5000 butterflies, she shares why they are important to her, and a bit about her exhibit, opening May 6th, 2022 at the Dorsky Museum, closing May 8th.

Then we move right along to the biggest news in spirituality and politics today, the invasion of Ukraine. This includes a conversation about compassion inspired by this article. Marielena shares her assessment of the situation through the lens of the Tarot and then shares a meditation for all of us to practice on our own, to meditate on the key cards, the Emperor and the Hierophant, the majors players in what is unfolding at this moment.

Finally, we end the show with a little Moon love, and a share from Tanaaz about this week’s Full Moon Astrology.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

206 Spirituality and Politics and Ending Polarization with Marielena Ferrer

It’s the return of our monthly conversation about Spirituality and Politics with Marielena Ferrer. Today we take inspiration from an episode of the Dan Harris Podcast 10% Happier about How You Help End Polarization and Inequality and Get Happier Too. It features Robert Putnam and Shaylan Romney Garrett who wrote the book, The Upswing: How America Came Together a Century Ago and How We Can Do It Again. Without having read the book, we discuss different elements mentioned on the podcast about the “I, We, I” curve as well as the suggested factors that worked to facilitate change during times of great divide in American history. History doesn’t provide a perfect solution, but it can form the basis for inspiration to help facilitate more communication, collaboration and less division in our present day America. Are your “I” and “We” balanced? Who else is in for giving it a try?

Thanks to Ian Seda from Radio Kingston for engineering today’s show!

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

Feel free to email me, say hello: she@iwantwhatshehas.org

** Please: SUBSCRIBE to the pod and leave a REVIEW wherever you are listening, it helps other users FIND IT



ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/i-want-what-she-has/id1451648361?mt=2


STITCHER: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/she-wants/i-want-what-she-has?refid=stpr


INSTAGRAM * https://www.instagram.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast/

FACEBOOK * https://www.facebook.com/iwantwhatshehaspodcast

TWITTER * https://twitter.com/wantwhatshehas

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