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245 The Art of Pau – i want what SHE has

245 The Art of Pau

PAU Quintanajornet doesn‘t paint pictures. Pau creates worlds – open invitations to a journey into the beauty of Latin American influences and into the spheres of an artist, who with brushes, paint, ink, paper and wood, playfully turns her world inside out. The cleavage between cultures loosens up. From the friction between her Chilean roots and her German home she draws her own symbolism in bright colors and shapes which grows out of the ground like plants rising to the sky. Birds also occupy a large space in Pau‘s World: in her „cosmovision“ they symbolize free spirits of wisdom and peace, spreading their wings and coping with highs and lows of life.

Born in Chile and raised in the former DDR, Pau moved to Berlin at the age of 15 to broaden her horizons and find a creative outlet. She studied communication-design and illustration at the FHTW before taking off to South America. In Valparaiso, Chile, she recharged her batteries and set the course for her future. Falling in love with the Urban Art Movement and Artivism, Pau started to create her first wall pieces down South.  Although she eventually returned to Germany, Pau would frequently revisit Latin America – her Motherland – her emotional home. During these returns, she might discover something new about her self or her art, socialize with other artists or improve her techniques. In the collective of the Artivists, Muralistas and Street Artists, Pau found birds of the same feather.

Over the last couple of years Pau has participated in numerous festivals and art projects around the world. These travels and interactions with the people around helped her to find a deeper meaning in her work and get more sensitive for different global realties. Inspired by the words of Pablo Neruda, “The murals are the books of the people “ she started a long term art project called PROJECT WALLFLOWERS in 2013. Her work is found on walls in Egypt, Tunisia, Spain, France, The Netherlands, Germany, United States, China, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile … . While Pau‘s walls are on display in public spaces, they are created with the permission of the communities. Her interest lies in sharing her art with people, not creating notoriety for her self.

Today Pau shares begins by telling us how art became the tool she was drawn to as a young person to help her emotionally as her family fled Chile as political refugees and the danger they faced prior to relocating to Germany. There’s no doubt that while her childhood was traumatic, it set her up for some profound perspective on who she is and how she wants to live her life. We talked about her becoming an Artivista and how it was the first identity that she claimed as her own versus it being imposed on her by others. We talked about the masculine and the feminine and how she connected with her own inner manifestations of those as she navigated heartache and learned to cultivate love in all she does. Inspired by this quote: “You also learn that there are real priorities and imposed priorities. The beauty of this lifelong journey is that you get the tremendous opportunity to get to know the real you with all its flaws and all its magic. I gain stability when I feel centered and reflected in my work and with the people around me.” We talk about how she established her own priorities and how she works to live them each day, including how this impacted her “Art World” and how she moves through the “Art Market.” She shared about her work Project Wallflowers, the Blooming Seeds, and #staywithhumanity. We end with a quick share on how she takes care of herself with her active life and how sobremesas are a special part of that.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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Leave me a voicemail with your thoughts or a few words about who has what you want and why! (845) 481-3429

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