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healing – i want what SHE has

334 Molly McCarthy Tweedy and Jenny Wonderling “Community Healing”

Today I get to welcome Molly McCarthy Tweedy and Jenny Wonderling to the show to talk about a special event they are hosting this Thursday, featuring the music and global healing work of Samuel J. Happening at Crescent in Gardiner on 8.8, the Lion’s Gate!

Molly @evolutionary.holistic.healing is the Co-Founder and Co-Director of Evolutionary Psychotherapy & Holistic Healing, a healing center that opened its doors in 2021 in uptown Kingston, NY, and provides holistic mental health, recovery, and wellness services.

For the past 25 years, Molly has dedicated herself to guiding others on their transformative journeys to heal. Her educational background includes a Master’s degree in social work from NYU, a license in Clinical Social Work, and a CASAC (Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor). She has studied AFT (Aroma Freedom Technique), DONA (Doulas of North America), Journey Dance, and MotherWoman. She has extensively trained in trauma treatment, Attachment Focused EMDR, completed courses in Violet Alchemy and Tony Robbins’ Mastery University, and achieved a 200-hour Hatha yoga teacher training and certification.

Beyond her therapeutic expertise, Molly is a musician, dancer, and artist, performing since 2009, and recognizing the power of creativity as both an outlet for expression and a catalyst for healing.

Jenny Wonderling @jennywonderling brings her deep love of the planet and respect for ancestral wisdom to her writing, event production, Breathwork classes, space holding, and community building spaces in the Hudson Valley. She strongly believes in the transformational powers of inter-woven creativity and how we can help bring each other’s audacious dreams and unique gifts to fruition. She co-directed, co-wrote, and co-produced BLOOM and LUMINOUS and Co-Founded Circle Creative Collective. She’s also a proud mama of 3 sons. Jenny’s work can be found at and

They share about the rare opportunity to catch Samuel J in our neck of the woods, and then we continue our conversation learning about Molly’s work and Jenny’s evolution with Crescent, how they are both changing the paradigm through healing, creativity and connecting community.

I share at the beginning of the show, the health journey a friend and past guest Jeanne Brooks has been on as a reminder of the importance of the work of Molly and Jenny and many others in our community. If you’d like to support Jeanne, you can subscribe to her Substack.

Lastly, here’s your New Moon report!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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332 Mary Evelyn Pritchard “The Holographic Home”

Mary Evelyn Pritchard is an artist and community weaver whose work focuses on creating sacred spaces and experiences.  In her business practice The Holographic Home, she works as a Feng Shui practitioner, interior designer and land worker.  In addition, she has been actively exploring the realms of feminine embodiment and eros through study and personal practice for the last 8 years, and more recently, has begun sharing opportunities to explore these topics with others.  She has a particular passion for facilitating community ritual as a pathway to individual and collective healing.

Today our conversation plays with notions of the feminine and what it means to embody all aspects of this divine energy. Mary Evelyn shares personally her journey into feminine embodiment when she was initiated by an ectopic pregnancy leading to a major surgery. Her recovery and reclaiming has seeded her with a deep wisdom and a passion for exploring and sharing the gifts of freedom that unfold from an embodiment of the feminine. She sees community ritual as being potent medicine for women who are healing and recovering their connection with the “dark feminine.” We learn about her evolution into the work she now offers in the spaces we reside and how this too is an offering of daily ritual into the places we call home.

She’s hosting a retreat in her sacred home space for feminine embodiment with her mentor and collaborator Whitney Ullom, Tending the Well, July 19-21. She has a few spaces open so if you are interested, be in touch soon!

You can connect with Mary Evelyn via her website or Instagram.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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318 Martha Williams “BreakBread”

Today on the show I am joined by Martha Williams who has spent her life as a serial creative firebrand. She is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and choreographer, and kept the lights on with creative direction, video production, consulting, coaching and training. After 20 years of following her calling Martha realized that even though she was lucky (or crazy) enough to be making art she was still not making the difference she set out to make. While her art was activist in nature, squeezing out work in a world where people are choking on “content” and mindlessly consuming life, didn’t seem aligned with her greater mission to help communities reclaim and restore soulful connection to self, other and the world around them. This is when her work as a conversation activist began. Martha and her partner run Culture Shift Agency and BreakBread World, working to reweave our common humanity through the art of conversation and the power of soulful gathering.

Our conversation weaves through the meaning of conversation activism, how Martha found this work, the patriarchy, the embodiment of the masculine and the feminine and so much more.

BreakBread is hosting an Embodied Conversation Workshop at GWI on April 14th.

As mentioned, Engather is co-hosting a special happening this Friday, March 29th at ASK for creative connection and community. You can learn more here!

Here’s the Moon Report that inspired our moon chat.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda from

Our show music is from Shana Falana!

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229 “The Bullied Brain” with Jennifer Fraser

Today my guest is JenniferFraser, best-selling author and award-winning educator. Her online courses and workshops provide dynamic lessons in the impact neuroscience has on personal development and culture change. Her previous book, Teaching Bullies: Zero Tolerance on the Court or in the Classroom, explores what happens when the bully is a teacher or coach. Her new book, The Bullied Brain: Heal Your Scars and Restore Your Health, delves into how bullying affects the brain and how the brain can heal. Learn more at

I’ve been glued to this book which is rich with information about bully culture, the damage it causes our brains, and what we can do about it. It’s a sad reality that our culture is so seeped in bullying and abuse — from children’s playgrounds to the upper echelons of leadership — that we’ve come to normalize the behavior and overlook the wreckage. This bullying paradigm has parents, teachers and coaches believing they must be tough to the point of emotional abuse in order for children to acquire the grit and resilience needed to attain excellence in a competitive world. The research shows however that the bullied brain correlates with failure to perform, substance abuse, aggressive behavior, chronic disease and mental illness.

Some of the topics we get into are the bullying paradigm, toxic masculinity vs. toxic stress, the “invisible” brain damage cause by bullying and toxic stress, open vs. fixed mindsets, building resilience, and in honor of Juneteenth I share some personal thoughts on how slavery was an extreme form of bullying and how we should consider what we’ve learned from Jennifer when understanding how to heal from it’s legacy.

Today’s show was engineered by Manuel Blas of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

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225 Lisa Marie Darling “Soundscapes and Lullabies”

New York-based sound healing artist Lisa Marie Darling crafts meditational soundscapes to foster emotional and energetic reconnection. Through a cappella vocalization and experimental, looped melody formation, Lisa creates otherworldly compositions to aid in identifying and unlocking fossilized trauma and grief. To date, she has released three albums—Darling Lullabies (2014), Canciones De Cuna (2017), and Into The Deep (2022). Her latest album presents a guided journey through inner emotional landscapes, integrating the vital healing energies of the celestial bodies of Earth, Sedna, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, and the moons of Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune. Listeners will be led into a calming space where surrender, meditation, reflection, and contemplation feel safe, possible, and sacred.

Today, Lisa shares her background and why she began doing the sound work including the four major life events that led her to the work including her mystical experiences and her life’s challenges. We begin talking about lullabies and their potent ability to heal and reduce pain and suffering not only babies, but also during palliative care. We then get to listen to some of the soundscapes, and she talks about how they came to be through her connection to astrology and planetary energies. We end our conversation talking about Lisa’s advocacy work to reduce sound pollution that was infiltrating her living space.

To experience the magic firsthand, you can join one of Lisa’s livestream Soundscape Journey events via the free Insight Timer meditation app. You can also find her music on Spotify, Bandcamp, SoundCloud, and YouTube or follow Darling on Instagram and TikTok. If you are interested in hosting a live Soundscape Journey event in the Hudson Valley area, you can contact Lisa directly and you can learn more about her work and all of her online and in-person offerings via

Finally, you can learn more about the Headstone Gallery event in which Lisa’s Soundscapes will be a part of coming opening June 4th over here.

And here’s your Forever Conscious Moon report for the upcoming New Moon!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!! She’s playing OPUS 40 this Friday!

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#195 Samhain and Connecting with Our Ancestors

Today I wander into the Festival of Samhain and share some traditions or rituals that may inspire you. This includes a conversation and experiential practice to contemplate the lives of our ancestors based off of the book, My Grandmother’s Hands by Resmaa Menakam. P.S. the show officially starts around minute 11, but I thought the superstition conversation with my colleagues was thematically appropriate to include!

Here are the Youtubers who provided some of the information and rituals shared -> Rebekka of the Witches’ Cookery, and Alwyn Oak.

Here’s the Spotify playlist of the songs we listened to throughout the show. Feel free to use them as you feel called for the contemplation practices I offer in today’s show, or just pause the recording and sit in silence, journal or listen to your own music.

Plus, here’s the info on the Ringing the Bells for Climate Change event I mentioned.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

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#190 Kia Abilay “The Gift of Listening”

On the show today I get to speak with Kia Abilay an Akashic Records Teacher and Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Energy & Intuitive Communicator and a One Spirit Minister. For many years she worked as a practitioner in the Wellness Center at Omega but for the past year has been working on a book sharing stories from her work and lessons about the gift of listening. The book is titled The Gift of Listening, Cultivating Your Connection with Spirit and is due to be released on October 20, 2021. You can get info about the book and general newsletter goodness by signing up for her mailing list, or follow her on Instagram for announcements.

Today Kia shares about her connection with Spirit and how it’s impacted her life as well as some stories from her life and how the process of writing her first book has continued her lifelong work of listening and healing. She also gracefully indulges my curiosities about her time spent doing astral travel and talks about how we all receive these gifts from Spirit, we just don’t always open them.

Here’s the Moon report that I read from in honor of the Pisces Full Moon. Moon blessings to y’all!

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

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#188 New Moon Ceremony for Forgiveness and Freedom

New Moon Blessings to you! Today, I take us through a New Moon Ceremony where we get to open ourselves up to the healing power of Forgiveness and then with that new shift in energy, step out of our boxes and into our magical selves. The great awakener Uranus guiding us to get weird. Gather your ceremonial items, water, journal and find a comfy space for this special show.

Here’s the playlist I used to get us into the mood in the first hour. 

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

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#185 Elizabeth Gross “The Myth of the Selkie”

Today I speak with Elizabeth Gross, an herbalist, bodyworker, meditation and yoga instructor, and end-of-life doula based in the Mid Hudson Valley of NY.  Her mission through Selkie Medicinals is to provide optimal comfort and care to people experiencing major life transitions related to birth, sex or dying. Her services include prenatal Thai Yoga herbal bodywork, sexual health focused herbal consultations with a specialty in hpv and cervical dysplasia, and end-of-life doula care focused on abortion and miscarriage support.

Some of what we get to chat about today is the myth of the Selkie, masculine and feminine in the tantric tradition, the patriarchy, healing the patriarchy, slowing down, pelvic health and vulva gazing. Note, we do talk about men’s and women’s reproductive body parts!

The Secret of Roan Inish: Film. Link Here

Sensing, Feeling, and Action: The Experiential Anatomy of Body-Mind Centering by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen Link Here

For The Wild Podcast Episode: Tricia Hersey on Rest as Resistance Link Here

Embodiment Matters Podcast: Embodiment and Social Justice: A Conversation With Reverend angel Kyodo Williams and Dr. Scott Lyons Link Here

Also: Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estés Link Here

ALSO, as mentioned with respect to the current state of affairs for women and children in Afghanistan, here is a link to my past interview with Sonita Alizadeh, and here’s a direct link to donate to her ongoing work with children and also her recent fundraiser for the people displaced in Kabul.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

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#177 DeShannon Barnes-Bowens “Ifa-Orisa Priestess, Psychotherapist, Educator, Spiritual Counselor”

Iya Rev. DeShannon Barnes-Bowens, M.S. (Iyanifa Iwalewa Ifasalewa Fasina), is the founder of ILERA Counseling & Education Services, and works as a psychotherapist, professional development trainer, and spiritual counselor. Through ILERA, she offers workshops and programs focusing on: sexuality and spirituality, sexual abuse, vicarious trauma and wellness. Iya DeShannon received a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Missouri – St. Louis, and a Master’s degree in Counseling from Pace University. She has practiced the Ifa-Orisa spiritual tradition since 2001 and is an initiated priestess. Iya DeShannon was ordained as an Interfaith Minister through One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in 2010 where she now serves as Co-Director.

Today DeShannon shares about her work, what it is, and how she got into it. She educates us about vicarious trauma, how to look out for signs of it, and how to take care of yourself. Part of our self care conversation takes us into thinking about what we value, and then making the choices to support what it is we want to value. DeShannon closes the conversation talking about the Ifa-Orisa tradition and how it found her.

Here’s the Charles Eisenstein podcast on “Burnout and Renewal.

I read from an article from the Baltimore Sun about the Ifa tradition, and we hear the songs “Ifa” and “Egunegun” by Asabioje Afenapa.

Today’s show was engineered by Ian Seda of Radio Kingston.

Our show music is from Shana Falana !!!

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